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  • Wu Di;【人名】Dillon Wu
  1. 如果李娜周二有时间,她将观看同胞吴迪在第一轮比赛中对阵克罗地亚的多迪格(IvanDodig)。

    If Li has time on Tuesday , she 'll watch compatriot Wu Di play his first round match against Croatia 's Ivan Dodig .

  2. 吴迪排名世界第186名,他在去10月份击败日本和泰国的高排名选手,获得今年第一个大满贯赛事的亚太区外卡资格。

    Wu , the world No. 186 , earned the Asia-Pacific wildcard into the year 's first Grand Slam in a play-off last October after scoring wins against higher-ranked players from Japan and Thailand .