
  • 网络Wu School
  1. 在明代,由绘画吴门画派的影响,苏绣开始在其竞争对手绘画和书法艺术。

    In the Ming Dynasty , influenced by the Wu School of painting , Su Embroidery began to rival painting and calligraphy in its artistry .

  2. 质是,唯有吾人对沈周一生的艺术成就有正确的认知,才能真正理解沈周之所以能开创吴门画派的关键。

    Therefore , it is only when we obtain the right comprehension that we can truly realize the key point why Shen Chou was the founder of Wu School .

  3. 苏州园林受吴门画派和吴学的影响。

    However , Suzhou gardens were influenced by Wu School of Painting and Studies of Wu .

  4. 吴门画派作为历史上出现的一个艺术流派,经历了酝酿、兴起、繁盛和衰落几个阶段。

    As an art genre in the history , Wumen painting faction also experienced the gestation , rise , bloom and decline .

  5. 吴门画派是指明代中期在苏州地区形成、崛起的一个绘画流派。

    " Wumen painting faction " means the painting faction which formed and developed in Suzhou district during the middle of Ming Dynasty .

  6. 在山水画发展的历史长河中,吴门画派在其中尤其重要的位置,沈周作为吴门画派的开创者自然引人关注。

    In the long history of landscape painting , the Wu School in which the position is particularly important , Shen Zhou Wu School as a pioneer of natural concern .

  7. 本论文开始简要的分辨了吴门画派这一名称及所包含的主要成员,介绍了吴门画派园林绘画兴起的相关背景。

    This paper briefly to tell the beginning of Wu School and contained the names of the key members of the Wu School garden on the rise of painting the background .

  8. 因此,让当代人真正了解吴门画派在绘画中人文精神的体现,符合中国画的价值判断与标准,对实现中国传统文化的伟大复兴,有着积极而深远的意义。

    Therefore , it is suitable to Chinese standard and value for modern people to know the humanistic spirit in Wu School paintings , with a positive and meaningful effect on realization of Chinese great rejuvenation .

  9. 吴门画派这种文人化的园林绘画是非常具有创造性的,改变了以前界画形式为主的园林绘画,并对以后园林绘画产生了极为深远的影响。

    Wu School of such literati painting of the garden is very creative , change the previous sector consisting mainly of landscape painting forms of painting , landscape painting and later produced a very far-reaching implications .

  10. 本论文是关于中国书画鉴藏史的个案研究,选取的研究对象是明代吴门画派的领袖人物文征明。

    This paper presents a case study of connoisseurship and collection history of Chinese painting and calligraphy , and the selected research object is Wen Zhengming , a leader of Wu School of Painting in the Ming Dynasty .

  11. 由于家学渊源、交游及其善学摹古等多方面的原因,他的绘画风格多变,在吴门画派的后辈中鹤立鸡群。

    Because of his family history , social networking , his interest in learning and imitating the classics and many other reasons , his painting style was changeable , thus stood out in the younger generations of Wu School .

  12. 明中期花鸟画的转变集中体现在吴门画派为代表的画家群体中,清逸出世的文人花鸟画变得雅俗共赏,并进一步普及和世俗化。

    The medium-term changes in bird and flower painting are embodied in the " Wu school ", represented by groups of artists , writers born-type bird to Shen Zhou , Wen Zhengming into tastes , Yin took the bird to ﹑ Anglophobia further secularization position .

  13. 吴门画派的园林绘画的主要特点是区别于宋人富贵庄重的皇家园林绘画,描绘了闲适自然又不失精致的江南私家园林,体现文人幽静雅致的生活及审美观念。

    Wu School of landscape painting of the main features of wealth is different from the solemn Song of the Royal Garden paintings , painted a leisurely nature and yet elegant Jiangnan private gardens , the quiet elegance of the literati of life and aesthetic concepts .

  14. 明朝中后时期苏州地区盛行建造私家园林,与此同时,以沈周文征明为代表的吴门画派也兴起于此地,且吴门绘画中很有一些以园林为题材的作品。

    Suzhou during the Ming dynasty in the region after the rampant construction of private gardens at the same time , to Shenzhou as represented by Wu Wen Zhengming School also rise here , and Wu is in some paintings to the theme of landscape works .

  15. 论文主要通过现存的一些吴门园林绘画作品来指出吴门画派园林绘画发展的一个总的趋势。

    Papers , mainly through some of the existing landscape paintings to Wu pointed out that Wu School landscape painting of a general development trend .