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  1. 对天的祭祀即郊祭是封建统治者最大最重要的活动,给其他神祭祀之前必须先祭天,人民生活苦难,诸侯在丧期中,都不能停止祭天活动。

    Offer sacrifices to God , namely outskirt fete , is the most important movement for feudal governors , which must be carried on before give sacrifices to other deities and cannot be ceased even during a leuds funeral .

  2. 诗成何以感鬼神&汉唐乐志中的诗学观念及郊庙祭歌形态研究

    Why The Deity Be Affected By Poetry & The Study Of The Poetic Conception And Morphology Of The Temple Odes From Han To Tang Dynasties