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jiāo wài
  • outskirts;suburb;suburban;outdoors;the countryside around a city
郊外 [jiāo wài]
  • [outskirts] 城市以外或乡村

  • 北京的郊外有许多名胜古迹

郊外[jiāo wài]
  1. 今年6月,它们抵达云南省省会昆明市郊外。

    In June , they reached the outskirts capital .

  2. 拉扎鲁斯住在纽巴尼儿童之家,这是位于肯尼亚首都内罗毕郊外的患HIV和艾滋病的孤儿所住的地方。

    Lazarus lives in Nyumbani , a home on the outskirts of Nairobi for orphaned children living with HIV / AIDS .

  3. 他们俩都喜爱郊外的环境。

    They both have a love of the outdoors .

  4. 我们这个周日去郊外骑马吧。

    Let 's go hacking in the countryside this sunday .

  5. 这持续了两周,我待在巴黎郊外小镇子的交换家庭里。

    It lasted two weeks and I stayed with my exchange family in a small town just outside Paris .

  6. 周日,尼克·希思和杰克·唐纳利在悉尼郊外的灌木丛中骑摩托车时,偶然发现一只陷在泥里的袋鼠。

    Nick Heath and Jack Donnelly were riding their motorbikes in the bush outside Sydney on Sunday when they came across a kangaroo stuck in the mud .

  7. 孩子们在选郊外公园的远足路线。

    The children are choosing a hike in the country park .

  8. 在郊外居住,有辆汽车确实极为方便。

    A car is a real boon when you live in the country .

  9. 随着迁往郊外的风行,住在城内的中产家庭减少了。

    The flight to suburbia lessened the number of middle-class families living within the city .

  10. 她嫁了人,在郊外过着安定舒适的生活。

    She found a husband and settled down to a nice life in the countryside .

  11. 他没有办法,只好到种田人家的马棚里,跟着马医干活,在郊外将就把日子过下去。

    There was nothing he could do but go to work in farmers ' horse post with a farrier (

  12. 从前,有一只海鸟飞落在鲁国国都的郊外。

    Once upon a time , a sea bird landed in the suburbs1 of the capital of the state of Lu .

  13. 宾梦到郊外游玩,看见一只公鸡用嘴一根一根地啄掉尾巴上的漂亮的羽毛,感到奇怪,并问侍者公鸡为什么要这样做?

    Once Bin1 Meng went outing on the suburbs . He was surprised to see a rooster pulling out its tail feathers and asked the waiter why the rooster did so .

  14. 譬如,波士顿郊外的巴布森学院(babsoncollege)开设了一门叫做可持续发展项目融资和评估的选修课。

    Babson College , just outside Boston , for example , offers an elective called financing and valuing sustainability .

  15. 在游览莫斯科郊外金环地区(GoldenRing)的古镇时,弗里德曼感染了一种疾病,在他到圣彼得堡时病情开始恶化。

    While poking around historic towns in the Golden Ring area outside Moscow , Mr. Freedman picked up a bug that worsened by the time he got to St. Petersburg .

  16. 这导致一些地方的“烙印日”社区聚会成了历史,但不包括比尔·格雷(BillGray)在科罗拉多州奥德韦郊外的这座牧场。

    In some places , that is sending the community gathering known as branding day into the past . But not on Bill Gray 's ranch , outside Ordway , Colo.

  17. 纪梵希的档案是在乔治五世大道(AvenueGeorgeV)上的地下室,其他大多数品牌〔路易威登品牌〕都在巴黎郊外的温控仓库里。

    The Givenchy archives are in the basement of Avenue George V , and most other [ LVMH brands ] are outside Paris in temperature-controlled warehouses .

  18. 于是1884年在这里伦敦郊外的格林威治,格林威治标准时间(gmt)诞生了。

    So Greenwich meantime , or GMT , was born here outside London in 1884 .

  19. 亲爱的卡梅伦首相:1977年,玛格丽特撒切尔(MargaretThatcher)访问了日产(Nissan)位于东京郊外的汽车工厂。

    Dear Prime Minister : In 1977 , Margaret Thatcher visited the Nissan car factory outside of Tokyo .

  20. 据大家所说,这矿藏是在WeaversNeedle的郊外,该地区在凤凰城外,广阔无垠、以其地理结构闻名。

    Most accounts place the mine in the vicinity of Weavers Needle , a large and well-known formation outside of Phoenix .

  21. 20世纪30年代,上海掀起了一股模仿都铎式建筑、法国文艺复兴时期大厦和西班牙式别墅的热潮:今天,上海有个名为泰晤士小镇(ThamesTown)的郊外社区,酒吧和邮局一应俱全。

    In the 1930s , there were fashions for Tudor houses , French Renaissance mansions and Spanish-style villas : today Shanghai has a suburb called Thames Town , complete with pub and post office .

  22. 住在伦敦郊外的霍金斯一家购买了一个像苹果手机一样人手必备的Synth。

    In suburban London , the Hawkins family buys a synth , next in line behind the iPhone as the must-have gadget .

  23. 邻近城区比郊外大田羽化期早7~10d;

    The adult emerged 7 to 10 days earlier in the area near the city proper than in the field of outskirts .

  24. 其实,那时我们住在Snitterfield,就在Stratford郊外,那里是莎士比亚父亲的出生地。

    Actually , we lived in a place called Snitterfield , just outside Stratford , which is where Shakespeare 's father was born .

  25. 他的科学家们在华盛顿特区郊外的J克莱格凡特研究所(J.CraigVenterInstitute)试图运用第一原理,打造一个现有的有机体时,其他人则在尝试不同于任何自然生物的人造生物学实验。

    While his scientists at the J. Craig Venter Institute outside Washington DC are aiming to build an existing organism from first principles , others are experimenting with artificial biology unlike anything in nature .

  26. 在arleta郊外开一个园艺公司。

    Runs a gardening company out of arleta .

  27. 他住在Missouri的Hillsboro郊外,那里空气新鲜、景色怡人,并且到处都是上等的葡萄酒酿造厂。

    He resides in rural Hillsboro , Missouri , where the air is fresh , the views are inspiring , and good wineries are all around .

  28. 正如三个孩子的母亲茱莉娅•麦纳(JuliaMiner)周日所说的:无论你是谁,孩子到了十几岁,做父母的都不容易。她住在华盛顿特区郊外,这本书读到了第70页。

    As Julia Miner , a mother of three who lives outside Washington , D.C. , said Sunday , when she was up to page 70 of " The Cursed Child , " parenting teenagers has challenges no matter who you are .

  29. 七国集团(G7)在伦敦郊外举行非正式会议,与会者重申了不使用经济政策压低汇率的承诺,但认为日本尚未违反这一协议。

    After an informal gathering of the Group of Seven rich economies outside London , participants reaffirmed their commitment not to use economic policy to seek weaker currencies and did not conclude Japan was breaking that pact yet .

  30. 2011年9月,日本大型产业集团日立公司(HitachiLtd.)在东京郊外一家生产计算机内存的工厂投入使用NextAge机器人,由机器人来给硬盘驱动器的风扇加上盖子并拧紧螺丝。

    Japanese industrial conglomerate Hitachi Ltd. ( 6501 . TO ) introduced a NextAge robot last September to a factory outside of Tokyo that makes computer storage products . There , NextAge puts a cover over each hard-disk drive 's fan and tightens screws .