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  1. 这些基金的旗下包揽了业务上极为精娴的人员,其中既有来自本国的最为优秀和聪颖的人选,在近期也从较发达经济体招募了很多人才。

    These funds contain extremely sophisticated people , the best and brightest from both their own nations and more recently , from the older economies .

  2. 有多精入卵现象,极少数卵子多精受精。

    Now and then , there exists the phenomenon that a few sperms penetrate into egg , while polyspermy is few .

  3. 根据As精原干细胞理论及干细胞生物学特性,它们极有可能就是精原干细胞及其最初几代分化细胞。

    These cells were most likely spermatogonial stem cells and the first few differentiated progeny of stem cells according to As spermatogonial stem cell theory and stem cell biological characteristics .