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máng máng
  • vast;boundless and indistinct
茫茫 [máng máng]
  • [boundless and indistinct;vast] 辽阔旷远的样子;模糊不清楚

  • 长天茫茫。--唐. 李朝威《柳毅传》

  • 野茫茫。--《乐府诗集.杂歌谣辞.敕勤歌》

  • 夫之茫茫。--明. 顾炎武《复庵记》

  • 茫茫的前景

  • 别时茫茫江浸月。--唐. 白居易《琵琶行(并序)》

茫茫[máng máng]
  1. 和徐志摩一样,我也将在茫茫人海中寻找我灵魂之唯一伴侣。

    Like Xuzhimo , I will also look for my only soulmate in the boundless and indistinct sea of faces .

  2. 茫茫戈壁,我是你内心深处那一泓清澈的甘泉;

    Boundless and indistinct Gobi desert , I you deep limpid sweet spring water that in the heart of hearts ;

  3. 黄昏时,我们在茫茫荒野中扎营。

    At dusk we pitched camp in the middle of nowhere .

  4. 我身处伦敦市中心比驾船航行于茫茫大海更感到孤单。

    I feel lonelier in the middle of London than I do on my boat in the middle of nowhere .

  5. 天苍苍,野茫茫。

    Vast is the sky , boundless the wilds .

  6. 田野被大雪覆盖,白茫茫的一眼望不到边。

    The fields covered with snow became a vast expanse of whiteness stretching to infinity .

  7. 前途茫茫。

    One 's prospects are bleak .

  8. 四野茫茫,寂静无声。

    All is quiet on the vast expanse of open ground . ; Profound silence prevailed on the open countryside .

  9. 天苍苍,野茫茫。

    The sky is sapphire blue , and the steppe stretches wide .

  10. 她从塔上俯视茫茫大地。

    She overlooked the vast expanse from the tower .

  11. 下了一场大雪,田野上白茫茫一片。

    After the heavy snow , the fields were a vast expanse of white .

  12. 一匹野马和她的幼驹站在雾茫茫的英格兰荒野上。

    A horse and foal stand out against the gray of the English moors .

  13. 他似乎是孤零零一个人,在这茫茫大千之中孑然一身。

    He seemed absolutely alone in the universe .

  14. 山上雾茫茫的,只看见一个模糊的轮廓。

    The mountains were covered in thick mist and only a faint outline was visible .

  15. 周围是一片茫茫大雾。

    A dense fog lay around .

  16. 天才是茫茫大地突出的岬角。

    Genius is a promontory jutting out of the infinite .

  17. 他们飞过了茫茫无边的北极上空。

    They flew over the unlimited reaches of the Arctic .

  18. 茫茫的人海中,相识,其实,就是缘分……

    It must be fate to get acquainted in a huge crowd of people …

  19. 烟雾茫茫的群山有着神秘的魅力

    Foggy mountains are mysteriously attractive .

  20. 如果我们喝点葡萄酒,我们就能从茫茫黑夜中看到梦想的星光。——

    If we sip4 the wine , we find dreams coming upon us out of the imminent5 night . —

  21. 当痛苦终于过去后,茫茫宇宙中孤身一人的杨利伟感觉自己重生了。

    When it was finally over , the taikonaut , all alone in the vastness of space , felt like he had been reborn .

  22. 我显出厌烦的样子:在茫茫的大沙漠上盲目地去找水井,真荒唐。

    I made a gesture of weariness . It is absurd to look for a well , at random , in the immensity of the desert .

  23. 新设立的这个X奖是为了在茫茫基因大漠中“披沙拣金”。

    The new X prize is designed to winnow the genetic wheat from the chaff .

  24. n.荒地;大量,茫茫一片耶稣走到荒地去独自思考。

    wilderness Jesus went out into the wilderness to think alone .

  25. 与阿汤教育Blog的不同之处在于茫茫人海的日志核心是对教育目标和价值的反思。

    The difference is that his blog 's core is the thoughts about the education purpose and the education value .

  26. 在它的21条染色体中包涵茫茫160亿对dna碱基对,这一数字是水稻的40倍,玉米的6倍,人的5倍。

    Its 21 chromosomes contain a massive 16 billion base pairs of DNA , 40 times as much as rice , six times as much as maize and five times as much as people .

  27. 那是一个NBA全明星周末,很多人认为这将成为住在康普顿的孩子们的盛宴,但不知从茫茫黑夜哪个角落里冒出来的充满抑郁色彩的一篇推特,显然是令人不快的。

    That it came out of nowhere in the dark of the night , on an NBA all-star weekend many thought would be a celebration for the Compton kid at home , was jarring .

  28. 本机可瞬间制作大量的泡沫,形成雪海,人入其中犹如置身茫茫雪景里狂欢,可应用在游乐场,DISCO舞厅,私人会所排队。

    The machine can do a lot of instant-foam , Formation of snow scenery , Like the vast snow carnival , Applications can playground , DISCO dance halls , private clubs party .

  29. 他只有茫茫长夜可用于学习。

    He had only the long nights in which to study .

  30. 在茫茫人海里,又一次与你擦肩而过!

    A huge crowd of people , and you miss again !