
máng rán bù zhī
  • be at a loss to understand;be utterly ignorant of
茫然不知[máng rán bù zhī]
  1. 也许她有了多年私情,而我却茫然不知。

    Maybe she had a relationship for years without me knowing .

  2. 他仍茫然不知如何解答。

    He could not contrive to explain it to himself .

  3. 那小耗子对它面临的危险还茫然不知。

    The mouse is ignorant of the danger that he 's facing .

  4. 姆自从离校后,似乎就茫然不知所从了。

    Sam seems so directionless since he left school .

  5. 我茫然不知如何做这件事。乍一来到新世界,他们茫然不知所措。

    They were ill-equipped to face their new world .

  6. 人们一谈到政治,我就茫然不知。

    It 's beyond my depth when people begin to talk about politics .

  7. 她彷佛茫然不知身在何处,犹犹豫豫向四周打量。

    As if unsure of where she is , she hesitate and look round .

  8. 是的,我的人生就是稀烂如泥,但你依旧对它茫然不知。

    Yeah , my life a bitch , but you know nothing bout her .

  9. 如果让他谈谈艺术,他就茫然不知了。

    If you get him talking on art , he soon gets out of his depth .

  10. 我辞掉了工作,茫然不知下一步要做什么。

    I left my job , not knowing exactly what I was going to do next .

  11. 我们总是想不起来为什么到厨房茫然不知

    We can 't remember why we been in the kitchen , we have no idea .

  12. 菲利普误了最后一班公共汽车,茫然不知该怎么办。

    When Philip missed the last bus , he was at a loss to know what to do .

  13. 更有不少人对自己所学的实际进展,茫然不知,不晓得珍惜自己的学习成效。

    Many more fail to recognize how much they have actually learnt and to respect their own achievements .

  14. “哦,你动脑筋想想!”我大声地叫道。他茫然不知,使我开始失望了。

    Oh , use your loaf ! I shouted , his incomprehension was beginning to get me down .

  15. 梦想的生命折翼之鸟,困于笼中,视线以外的天地茫然不知。

    A life without a dream is like a bird with broken wings , confined to a cage and oblivious of what lies beyond the range of its vision .

  16. 当国际评估准则委员会2004年第一次制定以财务报告为目的的评估准则时,我们国内还对其茫然不知。

    When the International Valuation Standards Committee developed its standard of valuation for financial reporting ( VFR ) the first time in 2004 , the Chinese valuation profession nearly knew nothing about this kind of valuation practice .

  17. 她顿感茫然,不知如何是好,琴声又归于沉寂。

    The piano was silent again for she was utterly at a loss .

  18. 我很茫然,不知他说的是什么意思。

    I am all at sea . I 've no idea what he means .

  19. 所有事完成后,我一片茫然,不知该做什么。

    When everything is done , I am completely at a loss to know what to do .

  20. 换言之,你已经被弄得茫然失措,不知从哪里着手开始整理。

    Or you 're so overwhelmed that you don 't know where to start .