
  • 网络counter attack;CounterAttack
  1. 中印边境自卫反击战

    Counterattack in Self - Defence on China - India Border

  2. 此外,中国还被迫发起对越自卫反击战。

    In addition , China was forced to initiate self-defense counterattack against Vietnam .

  3. 本文作者蒂姆•哈福德(TimHarford)著有《卧底经济学家反击战》(TheUndercoverEconomistStrikesBack)

    Tim Harford is the author of ' The Undercover Economist Strikes Back . "

  4. 《星球大战》系列中最受影评家好评的《帝国反击战》(TheEmpireStrikesBack)就不是卢卡斯本人导演的。

    The most critically acclaimed of all the Star Wars films , the Empire Strikes Back , was not directed by Lucas .

  5. 他们的漫画反击战起从流行的历史漫画开始,主题是荷兰人抗击西班牙王室,而阿尔瓦公爵(DukeofAlva)是他们最喜欢描绘的反面人物。

    Their graphic counter-attack began with popular illustrated histories of their rebellion against the Spanish monarchy - with the Duke of Alva their favourite bogeyman .

  6. 看到他成为阿根廷本周反击战的核心球员时,我仿佛又回到了2008年10月。当时,迭戈·马拉多纳(DiegoMaradona)试图带领阿根廷国家队获得上一届世界杯(WorldCup)冠军,他的尝试时间短暂,而且最终失败。

    Seeing him at the heart of Argentina 's defiance this week takes me back to October 2008 , when Diego Maradona began his brief and ultimately failed attempt to manage the national team to victory at the last World Cup .

  7. 迷雾重重的森林里好像隐藏着《帝国反击战》里的尤达,丛林生存技能则是师从《绝地归来》里的伊沃克人(Ewoks)。

    There is a misty forest reminiscent of Yoda 's hideout in The EmpireStrikes Back . There are woodcrafts inspired by the Ewoks in Return of the Jedi.There are CGI giants and wittering sidekicks aplenty .

  8. 为什么你选择不做《帝国反击战》的导演?

    SW : Why did you choose not to direct Empire ?

  9. 当《帝国反击战》来袭时,去看吧。

    See it , when The Empire Strikes Back .

  10. 在我看来,《帝国反击战》比第一部要好。

    In my opinion , Empire is a better film than the first one was .

  11. 你还需要各自为政的各部门在你的反击战中相互合作。

    You would also need to get turf-conscious departments to work together in mounting your counterattack .

  12. 若发动报复性反击战,直升机和地面部队将位于最前线。

    Lf a retaliatory strike is launched , helicopters and ground troops will be at the forefront .

  13. 帝国反击战/星球大战2

    Empire Strikes Back , The

  14. 在1981年的奥斯卡颁奖礼上,帝国反击战获得了奥斯卡最佳声效奖。

    At the Academy Awards in 1981 , The Empire Strikes Back won the Oscar for Best Sound .

  15. 戴维卡梅伦承诺为防止上周发生在英国的骚乱重演,将展开社会反击战,重整社会秩序。

    David Cameron is promising a social fightback in response to the rioting and looting in England last week .

  16. 帝国反击战/星球大战2革命就要反帝反封建,而帝国主义的支柱是封建主义。

    Empire Strikes Back , The Revolution means fighting against imperialism and feudalism . Feudalism is the backbone of imperialism .

  17. 银河陆战队在寒冷天气下的形象设计是受了雪地部队设计的启发。雪地部队是为《帝国反击战》设计的。

    The design of the cold weather Galactic Marines was inspired by the snowtrooper designs developed for The Empire Strikes Back .

  18. 星球大战5:帝国反击战是一部上映于1980年的美国科幻电影,编剧乔治·卢卡斯。

    Star Wars Episode V : The Empire Strikes Back is a 1980 epic American space opera written by George Lucas .

  19. 反对击溃战,承认歼灭战;帝国反击战/星球大战2

    Oppose fighting merely to rout the enemy , and uphold fighting to annihilate the enemy . Empire Strikes Back , The

  20. 在边境地区,这一过程还受跨国民族的特点及自卫反击战的影响。

    In border area , this process was also influenced by the feature of cross-border ethnic groups and the counterattack in self-defense .

  21. 二战中德国最高陆军元帅,他指挥了攻克波兰的战役并领导了阿登尼斯反击战。

    German field marshal in World War II who directed the conquest of Poland and led the Ardennes counteroffensive ( 1875-1953 ) .

  22. 1979年,在对越自卫反击战的战场上首次使用了青蒿素类抗疟药物。

    In1979 , artemisinin-based antimalarial drugs were first used in the battlefield in the Sino-Vietnamese War ( the Third Indo-China War ) .

  23. 这是用来阐释韩索罗在《帝国反击战》中提到的“奥德曼特尔星球上的赏金猎人”的若干故事之一。

    It is one of several stories meant to explain who the " bounty hunter on ord mantell " was that Han mentioned in empire .

  24. 然而他最著名的作品莫过于《帝国反击战》,许多人都认为这部电影是《星球大战》系列最卖座的一部。

    Yet he remains best known for The Empire Strikes Back , considered by many to be the best film in the Star Wars series .

  25. 《星球大战2:帝国反击战》中汉索罗和莱娅公主的拥吻也入选50大最佳银幕之吻。

    Han Solo and Princess Leia 's embrace in Star Wars Episode V : The Empire Strikes Back also featured in the top 50 greatest movie kisses .

  26. 以乔治·卢卡斯的星球大战Ⅱ:帝国反击战为例,当看到银河帝国的军队服装样式时,很容易把他们错当成第三帝国军。

    Take George Lucas 's The Empire Strikes Back , for example . The Galactic Empire in their military-style getups could easily be mistaken for being Third Reich .

  27. 但实际上,我确实重看了第二部电影,也就是《帝国反击战》,去了解一些机器人如何移动的问题,但其他的就什么也没有看。

    Actually , I did go back to the second move , The Empire Strikes Back , to study a little bit of how the robots moved , but otherwise not at all .

  28. 20世纪70年代中后期,中越边境陷入领土纠纷的危机并最终导致中国发动对越自卫反击战,中越两国友好关系因此破裂。

    During the middle and later of the 1970s , China and Vietnam was trapped into the territorial disputes in the border of Sino-Vietnam and then caused the counterattack in self-defense on China-Vietnam border finally .

  29. 市场信号在反击价格战中的运用

    Fighting A Price War Through Market Signaling