
  • 网络Xinhua Publishing House
  1. 中英文教出版事业协会有限公司《新中东》一书中文版近日已由新华出版社出版发行。

    The Chinese edition of the book " The New Middle East " has already recently been published and distributed through Xinhua Publishing .

  2. 《新中东》一书中文版近日已由新华出版社出版发行。(本文刊载于《新华日报》华北版一九四二年十二月十五日《特刊》。)

    The Chinese edition of the book " The New Middle East " has already recently been published and distributed through Xinhua Publishing . ( Carried in the special issue of the north China edition of Xinhua Daily , December 15 , 1942 . )