
yòu pài fèn zǐ
  • the Rightist
  1. 一种是改正了以后,可以把右派分子帽子摘掉,归到人民的队伍;

    Type one are those who , having mended their ways , will have the Rightist label removed and who may return to the ranks of the people .

  2. 一般称呼右派分子也就可以了,不必称为反动派。

    In general , it is enough to call them " Rightists ", not reactionaries .

  3. 在民意机关中也可以容许少数右派分子参加。

    Even a small number of right-wingers may be allowed to join the people 's representative bodies .

  4. 新乡市在这场补课运动中,运用前段诱捕右派分子的成熟经验,又划出一部分右派分子。

    In this movement , Xinxiang city classified another group of rightist through the mature experience that entrapped rightist in the former time .

  5. 坚决的右派分子,在一个时候,在一些单位,可以把水搞得很混,使我们看不见底。

    For a time die-hard Rightists may have muddied the waters in some organizations so that we could not see to the bottom .

  6. 现在也没有听到说给坏分子摘帽子的话,只是说摘右派分子的帽子,而坏分子的帽子是不摘的。

    Now I never hear talk of the wearing of a bad element'hat , 'just that of a right wing'hat . 'And the bad element hat is never removed .

  7. 在对右派分子的处理中,新乡市的处理比较重,约三分之二的右派受到开除公职、撤职、劳动教养、监督劳动等处分。

    The disposure of rightist was severe in Xinxiang , and about two third of rightists were punished who were fired out , or dismissed , or reeducated through labor , or supervised to labor and so on .

  8. 右派叙述小说作者多数是当年的右派分子,他们在当代政治灾难和历史转折过程中的生活成了主要的创作题材。

    The authors of these novels , who made their lives in the periods of contemporary political disaster and critical historical turning as the theme , are mostly " the Rightist " in the past .

  9. 在上级党反右派斗争的统一部署下,为将右派分子引诱出来,新乡市党组织积极地将鸣放运动引向高潮,并出现非常激烈的情况。

    Under the deployment to Anti-Rightist struggle of the superior party organization , in order to tempt the rightist to emerge , the Party organization in Xinxiang actively pushed the the movement of free expression to the climax , and the very violent situations appeared .