
pīnɡ pānɡ wài jiāo
  • ping-pong diplomacy
  1. 这不再是乒乓外交。

    This is no longer Ping-Pong diplomacy .

  2. 既然当年基辛格可以开展乒乓外交,那赖斯现在是不是也可以试试饺子外交?

    If Henry Kissinger could practice Ping-Pong diplomacy , perhaps Condoleezza Rice could try her hand at dumpling diplomacy ?

  3. Thedaypingpongchangedtheworld老美眼中的“乒乓外交”37年前,美国惧怕中国,那时不为人知的远东地区共产主义大国。

    Thirty-seven years ago , America feared China , then the largely unknown Communist giant of the Far East .

  4. 冷战时期,发生了举世瞩目的变化,今晚JohnLarson将向我们讲述乒乓外交的故事。

    Then , at the height of the cold war , that began to change in a most remarkable way . John Larson has the story tonight of " a diplomatic breakthrough ---- pingpong style . "

  5. 还记得1970年的乒乓外交在中美关系上发挥的作用吗?

    Remember what a little ping-pong game did for Sino-U.S.relations in the1970s ?

  6. 除了比赛,蒂莫西·王还期待着与参与乒乓外交的老队员们一起访问中国。

    In addition to the competition , Wang looks forward to visiting China with pingpong diplomacy veterans .

  7. 体育:乒乓外交为正式恢复美中两国关系铺平了道路。

    Sports : Ping Pong Diplomacy paved the way for the re-establishment of official relations between the United States and China .

  8. 为庆祝美中“乒乓外交”40周年,美国乒乓球代表团将于12月访问中国。

    Champion U.S.table tennis players will visit China in December for the40th anniversary of " pingpong diplomacy ," the breakthrough in U.

  9. 在北京举行的中美乒乓外交巡回赛26周年纪念赛中,中美乒乓球运动员欢聚一堂。

    In beijing , American and Chinese table tennis players meet in the Sino-American commemorative tournament to mark the26th anniversary of the ping pong diplomacy tour .

  10. 我在访问过程中多次听说,自上世纪70年代初乒乓外交开启两国对话之门以来,目前的中美关系比以往任何时候都更为稳固。

    Sino-American relations , I heard several times during my trip , have been consistently steadier than at any time since the door to dialogue was opened by the ping-pong diplomacy of the early 1970s .

  11. 现在他们又把熊猫和乒乓带入外交往来。

    Now they have added pandas and ping-pong to the language of their diplomatic exchanges .

  12. 约翰·泰勒说,在加州举行的乒乓球比赛将重温1971年著名的乒乓外交,同时也放眼8月在北京举行的奥运会。

    John Taylor says the California tournament looks back to 1971 and its famous ping-pong diplomacy , but also looks forward to the Olympics , which will be held in Beijing in August .

  13. 她还打了乒乓球,尽管我认为这不属于我们过去看到的高层次的乒乓外交。

    And she also played some table tennis , although I think this was not the high-level Ping-Pong diplomacy that we saw in the past .