
  • 网络table tennis team;Table-tennis Teams
  1. 中国乒乓球队,他们是我所知的最强的球队。

    B.The Chinese Table Tennis Team , they are the most powerful team I 've known .

  2. 中国乒乓球队走出了一条具有中国特色的技、战术发展道路;

    China Table Tennis Team has created a special way of developing its racing techniques and tactics .

  3. 巴西乒乓球队的新闻发言人亚历山大•阿劳约(AlexandreAraújo)拍着胸口解释说,球迷们是“带着一颗足球的心”来看比赛的。

    Alexandre Ara ú jo , a press officer for the Brazilian table tennis squad , tapped his chest as he explained the fans had " come with a football heart . "

  4. 从运动训练学关于比赛成绩的决定因素和非智力因素情商(EQ)来分析中国乒乓球队女团、混双在14届亚运会失利的因素。

    This paper aims at analyzing the causes of the failure of Chinese table tennis women team and mixed doubles in 14th Asian Games according to the sports training theory on decisive factors and non-intelligence factors such as EQ.

  5. 教练多鲁.乔戈(DoruGheorghe)说,美国乒乓球队头一次完全由在中国出生的运动员组成。

    For the first time , Coach Doru Gheorghe said , the U.S. table tennis team is composed entirely of China-born athletes .

  6. 美国国家乒乓球队没有自己的训练基地。

    the U.S. team doesn 't have a national training complex .

  7. 许多人在欢迎国家乒乓球队归来。

    A lot of people are welcoming back the national table-tennis team .

  8. 国家乒乓球队教练员总体知识结构表现不均衡。

    The overall knowledge structure of national table tennis coaches is unbalanced .

  9. 军部决定让我加入全美乒乓球队。

    The Army decided I should be on the All-American ping-pong team .

  10. 中国乒乓球队技术进步的哲学分析

    Philosophical analysis of technique progress of Chinese Ping-pong team

  11. 中国女子乒乓球队太了不起了!

    Chinese women 's team is so wonderful !

  12. 印度亿万富翁米塔尔与印度的乒乓球队之间没有直接联系。

    The Indian billionaire does not have any direct contacts with Indian table tennis teams .

  13. 对中国乒乓球队科学训练的思考

    Scientific Characteristics of Chinese Table Tennis Training

  14. 他们邀请我和乒乓球队

    they invited me and the Ping-Pong team

  15. 欢迎国家乒乓球队归来!

    Welcome back the national table-tennis team !

  16. 尼克松访华后,中国乒乓球队回访了美国。

    Following Nixon 's visit to China , the Chinese team came to the United States .

  17. 37年前,两人都是他们国家兵乓队的队员,而这两支乒乓球队改变了历史。

    Both were members of their countries ' pingpong teams 37 years ago which arguably changed history .

  18. 中国女子乒乓球队以强势姿态击败日本夺得2012伦敦奥运女乒团体金牌。

    China 's women have won team gold at London 2012 after a dominant display against opponents Japan .

  19. 这是中国乒乓球队参加历届残奥会人数最多的一次。

    It is the time that Chinese table tennis team has the most athletes for the Paralympic Games .

  20. 对我国女子乒乓球队后备力量打法类型分布的研究

    Studies on China 's Women 's Table Tennis Players Play Different Types of Studies to Rationalize the Allocation

  21. 对中国乒乓球队适应发球新规则训练效果的研究

    Research on Effects of Training for Fitting in with New Service Rules in National Table Tennis Team of China

  22. 我们特意赶到这儿是为给中国乒乓球队助威。

    We go out of our way to be here just for cheering for the Chinese table tennis team .

  23. 我们不会忘记,当年中美关系的坚冰是从两国乒乓球队互访开始消融的。

    We will not forget that the ice in China-U.S.relations began to thaw with the mutual visits of our pingpong teams .

  24. 中国乒乓球队参加世界三大赛主要经验的研究

    Research in the main experience of the China Table Tennis Team Participating in the Three of the World 's greatest matches

  25. 拉尤尔谢思,印度国家乒乓球队的退役选手,现在是一家印度社区活动中心乒乓球馆的主管。

    Rajul Sheth , a veteran of the Indian national team , is executive director of the India Community Center 's Ping-Pong facility .

  26. 他告发了水门事件的窃听者,作为美国乒乓球队的一员到了中国,为中美建交立下了功劳。

    He denounced the watergate eavesdropper on American , as a member of the table tennis team for diplomatic relations in China , the credit .

  27. 蔡振华教练是中国乒乓球队的帅才。要统帅这些队伍,需要惊人的将才。

    Cai Zhenhua is a born commander of China 's ping pong team . It needed a prodigious amount of generalship to marshal these forces .

  28. 在德国,乒乓球队的地位已经和洛杉矶湖人队不相上下,乒乓球有专属的电视游戏,同时每年能获得100万美元的代言费。

    In Germany , table tennis engenders a Los Angeles Lakers-like fever , with televised games and some professionals earning $ 1 million a year in endorsements .

  29. 随着中国男子乒乓球队在男团决赛中3-0击败韩国获得金牌,中国队实现了伦敦奥运会五枚金牌的包揽。

    China completed a clean sweep of table tennis at the Olympics as their men 's team took gold by beating South Korea 3-0 in the best-of-five contest .

  30. 在李晓霞击败队友丁宁获得女单冠军后,张继科获得中国乒乓球队在伦敦的第二块金牌。

    Zhang dominated as China took their second table tennis gold at London 2012 after Li Xiaoxia 's win over team-mate Ding Ning in the women 's final .