
  • 网络TTW;table tennis world
  1. 中国乒乓球世界冠军运动员脑功能特征研究

    The Characteristics of Brain Function in Chinese Elite Table Tennis Players

  2. 她的名次逐渐上升,一度接近乒乓球世界排名首位。

    She rose to near the top of the world table tennis rankings .

  3. 26届乒乓球世界杯波尔与王励勤主要技术指标的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on the Major Technical Index of Boll and Wang Li-qin in the 26th World Cup of Ping-Pong

  4. 中国队又成为乒乓球女子世界冠军。

    China is back on top of the women 's table tennis world .

  5. 中国乒乓球队参加世界三大赛主要经验的研究

    Research in the main experience of the China Table Tennis Team Participating in the Three of the World 's greatest matches

  6. 中国队乒乓球在世界乒坛中的整体领先实力短期内难以逆转,但通过国际乒联对现行乒乓球比赛规则的不断修改,将会对中国乒乓球的霸主地位形成新一轮的冲击。

    Chinese table tennis team has been holding a lead in the world , but the unceasing modification for the current competition rules will shake its overlord position again .

  7. 中国乒乓球运动员在世界上享有很高有声望。

    China 's pingpong players enjoy high prestige in the world .

  8. 而乒乓球运动员后备人才的数量和质量是我国乒乓球在世界称雄的前提和重要保障。

    The preposition and the important guarantee that the table tennis is the cock in the world is the quantity and the excellent quality of the pingpong bench players .