
zhǔ biān
  • editor in chief;edit;chief editor;managing editor;supervise the publication;chief compiler
主编 [zhǔ biān]
  • (1) [editor in chief;chief editor]∶编辑工作的主要负责人;出版物全体编辑人员的领导者

  • (2) [supervise the publication;edit]∶主持编辑工作

主编[zhǔ biān]
  1. 技术改变世界应用创造未来&《RFID技术与应用》杂志周文豪主编访谈录

    Technologies Change the World , Applications Inspire the Future & Interview Chief Editor of " RFID Technologies and Applications "

  2. CPPCC报社主编刘为民在开机仪式上发表了讲话。

    Liu Weiming , chief editor of CPPCC Newspaper Office , made a speech at the launching ceremony .

  3. 这家报纸的主编被指责为不够正直。

    The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking integrity .

  4. 她曾主编过妇女杂志。

    She used to edit a women 's magazine .

  5. 以前我曾经做过大学校报的主编。

    I used to edit the college paper in the old days .

  6. 他可能对杂志主编迈克尔·福斯特有些怀疑。

    He may have had some suspicions of Michael Foster , the editor of the journal

  7. 费尔贝恩警长还在表达对摄影师们的不满,警告说他会和他们的主编谈谈。

    Superintendent Fairbairn was still clucking at the photographers , warning them he 'd be speaking to their editor

  8. 这本书是由他担任主编出版的。

    The book was issued under his general editorship .

  9. 主编希望他的第二本书能以平装本出版,这样会增大销售量。

    The editor-in-chief hopes that his next book will be issued as a paperback , as this will increase the sales .

  10. 卢达克里斯和美国银行前任首席执行官肯·刘易斯,以及《VICE》的第一位女主编埃利斯·琼斯都是我的大学校友

    Ludacris and the former CEO of Bank of America Ken Lewis are alumni of my college , as well as VICE 's first female editor-in-chief , Ellis Jones .

  11. 一个青年作者渴望主编会接受他写的小说。

    A young writer was hoping that the editor would accept his novel .

  12. 例:作为主编,每一期的版式设计我说了算。

    As the editor in chief , I have the final say on the layout design for every issue .

  13. 该杂志的主编为职业墙赛场上第一次所发生的事情寻找答案。

    The lead editorial searched and questioned for an explanation for the first ever occurrence on the professional racquetball circuit .

  14. 主编认真审阅时注意到有一句话是“三千九百九十九只眼睛都注视着发言的人。”

    The editor read it through and noticed the sentence , " Three thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine eyes were fixed upon the speaker . "

  15. 可是主编对他说:“你没有理由要求我发表你的小说,它不够好嘛。”

    But the editor said , " You have no reason to ask me to publish your novel . It 's not good enough . "

  16. 烂番茄主编乔尔·米雷斯评价道,这是“一部令人愉快、充满活力、震撼人心又有趣的动作喜剧片”。

    Joel Meares , editor of Rotten Tomatoes , calls it " a delight . Vibrant8 , exciting , funny action-comedy [ that ] hits hard with the feels . "

  17. 有个主编在他的办公桌的上方贴了一条标语,写着“准确”“准确”“准确!”而且总是向新来的记者指出它。

    An editor stuck up a notice above his desk . It read , " Accuracy ! Accuracy ! Accuracy ! " and he always pointed it out to the new reporters .

  18. 他在1920年接任该报主编时,发现社论版对面的版面“混杂着书评、各类通用文本和讣告”。

    When he took over as editor in 1920 , he realized that the page opposite the editorials was " a catchall for book reviews , society boilerplate , and obituaries2 " .

  19. 本文作者是《外交政策》(foreignpolicy)杂志主编,本文的某一版本即将在该杂志上刊登

    The writer is editor-in-chief of foreign policy , where a version of this article is forthcoming

  20. 最近的这种狂热,应归咎于管理杂志《策略与商业》(strategyandbusiness)的主编。

    The blame for this latest craze rests with the editor ofstrategy and business , a management magazine .

  21. 1978年,他加入《时代》(Time)杂志,在不到二十年的时间内,便从一位政治记者一路成长为杂志主编。

    He joined Time magazine in 1978 , working his way up from political correspondent to managing editor in a little less than two decades .

  22. 后来她相继担任《太阳报》(thesun)主编和新闻国际(newsinternational)首席执行官。

    She would go on to become editor of the sun and chief executive of News International .

  23. Eysenbach是开放获取的《医学互联网研究杂志》(JournalofMedicalInternetResearch)的主编。

    Eysenbach is editor of the open-access Journal of Medical Internet Research .

  24. 本文作者是北京大学中国经济研究中心主任、《经济学季刊》(chinaeconomicquarterly)主编

    The writer is director of the China Centre for economic research at Peking University and editor of China Economic Quarterly

  25. 本文作者是《华盛顿邮报》(thewashingtonpost)副总裁、前执行主编。

    The writer is vice president at large and former executive editor of the Washington Post .

  26. 《财富》(Fortune)杂志主编赛安迪采访了这位传奇外交家。

    He spoke with fortune managing editor Andy serwer .

  27. 本文作者为《FT周末杂志》(FTWeekendMagazine)副主编

    Alice Fishburn is the deputy editor of FT Weekend Magazine

  28. 本文作者是利兹大学(LeedsUniversity)中国史讲师,同时也是SinoNK.com主编

    The writer is a lecturer in Chinese history at Leeds university and editor of SinoNK.com

  29. 我们的医疗主编NancySneiderman将告诉我们更多信息。

    More now from our chief medical editor , Dr. Nancy Sneiderman .

  30. 在50年代,《经济学人》(theeconomist)的一位主编曾建议他的记者简化,然后夸大。

    An editor of The Economist in the 1950s once advised his journalists to simplify , then exaggerate .