
  1. 教师威信是一种重要的教育力量。

    Prestige of teacher is one of the important resulting factors to instructional force .

  2. 谈谈教师威信的树立

    Teacher s to Be Prestigious

  3. 其次,从主观、客观两个方面综合分析,找到解决教师威信问题的途径。

    What comes next is a method is to be found to solve teacher authority problems through the comprehensive analysis both subjectively and objectively .

  4. 教师威信指的是教师在学生心目中享有的威望和信誉,它对教育教学具有决定性的不可替代的作用。

    Prestige of teacher refers to their authority and credit standing with the students , and it plays a decisive role which can not be replaced on teaching .

  5. 树立高校教师威信,要以渊博的知识吸引学生,树立智力威信;以积极的关爱感动学生,树立情感威信;

    In order to establish prestige , college teachers should attract students with their profound knowledge to faster intellectual prestige , lobe students to establish emotional prestige students with noble character to establish personality prestige .

  6. 树立教师威信是促进教育发展的必然要求,是构建和谐师生关系的纽带,是良好教育教学效果的保证,是教育伦理精神的集中体现。

    Establishing teacher authority is the inevitable requirements of promoting the educational development , the bond of constructing harmonious teacher-student relationships , the guarantee of good educational effects , and the reflection of educational ethical spirits .

  7. 要改变教师威信缺失的现状,我们必须加强教师威信建设,主观上从德、才、情、仪四方面入手,客观上从树立尊师意识和健全教育机制两方面入手来促进教师威信的树立。

    In order to change the current situation of deficiency of teacher authority , we must enhance the construction of teacher authority both subjectively in morals , ability , emotion , and justice and objectively in establishing of respecting teachers and perfecting educational mechanism .

  8. 教师的威信与教师的人格力量相互作用,成为教师有效地影响学生的基础;

    Teachers ' prestige and personality strength deeply affect students .

  9. 论体育教师的威信

    The Prestige of Physical Teachers

  10. 所以说,普通高中的主科科任教师树立威信是十分必要的。

    Therefore , it is necessary to establish the prestige of the main subject teachers from regular senior school .

  11. 在高中阶段,主科科任教师的威信常常处于一种尴尬状态。

    In high school , the prestige of the main subject teachers often be in a state of embarrassment .

  12. 青年体育教师如何树立威信

    How the young P.E. masters can build their prestige in teaching

  13. 知识、学识、眼界,这都是教师享有高度威信的基础。

    Knowledge , learning and outlook are the basis on which teacher 's high prestige is built .

  14. 论教师的权威、威信与教育影响力

    On Authority , Prestige and Educational Influence of Teachers

  15. 教师情感影响教师威信。

    Teacher 's emotion influences teacher 's prestige .

  16. 乡村生源的学生比城镇生源的学生更认为教师情感影响教师威信。

    Students from countryside think further teacher 's emotion influences teacher 's prestige than students from city .

  17. 为人师表是教育成功的关键,而成功的前提是教师必须要有威信。威信一旦被教师拥有,它既是最脆弱的,又是最强有力的。

    Being worthy of the name of the teachers is the key to successful education , whereas the premises of success is that teacher must have their authority , and it is both weak and powerful once it is possessed by teachers .

  18. 青年学生教育是一项艰巨的塑造灵魂和性格的系统工程,有威信的教师对于教育效果影响很大,教师的威信越高,教学效果也就会越好。

    Young students ' education is an arduous systematic project which can model soul and characteristic . The teachers with prestige can affect the educational effect greatly . The higher prestige the teacher has , the better effect the teaching does .