
jiào yù wěi yuán huì
  • State Education Committee
  1. 查尔斯·施瓦茨法官将给路易斯安那州60天时间来解散然后合并该州的4个高等教育委员会。

    Judge Charles Schwartz is giving the state 60 days to disband and consolidate Louisiana 's four higher education boards

  2. 美国消费者联盟和美国储蓄教育委员会(AmericanSavingsEducationCouncil)周一公布了上述调查结果,以此作为鼓励美国人储蓄的举措之一。

    The federation and the American Savings Education Council released the results Monday as part of their campaign to encourage savings .

  3. 这些结果是1954年最高法庭Brown与取消美国学校种族隔离的教育委员会案件的中心。

    Those results were at the center of the 1954 Supreme Court case Brown vs. the Board of Education that desegregated American schools .

  4. 但在mba应被列为硕士学位级别的问题上,商学院似乎有责任说服南非高等教育委员会。

    But the onus appears to be on business schools to convince the Che the MBA should be treated as a masters .

  5. 本文课题源于北京市教育委员会资助科技项目基于MIS的印刷机械智能工艺决策系统研究。

    It combined with advanced research project of Beijing Municipal Education Commission-funded , which is the study of MIS-based intelligent decision system for press manufacturing process .

  6. 众议院教育委员会主席约翰-克莱恩(JohnKline)为各州花太多时间来满足联邦规定而感到不安。

    John Kline , the chairman of the House education committee , frets that states spend too much time complying with federal rules .

  7. 美国教育委员会(Ace)已批准对这批Mooc课程授予学分推荐。

    These Moocs have been approved for credit recommendation by the American Council on Education ( Ace ) .

  8. 除WWE的工作之外,McMahon还在康涅狄格州教育委员会工作。

    her WWE work , McMahon also serves on Connecticut 's Board of Education .

  9. 但美国教育委员会(americancounciloneducation)高等教育女性办公室主任唐娜菲利普斯(donnaphillips)称,在常青藤联盟院校中有4位女校长具有“惊人的象征意义”。

    But according to Donna Phillips , head of the office of women in higher education at the American Council on Education ( ACE ) , having four female presidents in the Ivy League is " incredibly symbolic " .

  10. 图森一些像KristinaParsons这样的教师认为,他们成为亚利桑那教育委员会的打击目标,因为他们口音很重。

    Some teachers like Kristina Parsons in Tucson , believe they are being targeted by the Arizona Department of Education , because they have accents .

  11. 这位不愿意提及自己女儿姓名的Bullivant女士,已经向班主任LesleyThornes和学校领导提出了抗议,并要求和Lincolnshire地区议会教育委员会主任见面。

    Mrs Bullivant , who did not want to name her daughter , complained to head teacher Lesley Thornes and the school 's governors , and wants a meeting with the director of education at Lincolnshire council .

  12. 约翰·霍普金斯大学本科教育委员会总结报告介述

    Review of Johns Hopkins University Commission on Undergraduate Education Final Report

  13. 菲律宾高等教育委员会发的录取通知书;

    Acceptance notice from the Philippine Commission on higher education ched ;

  14. 我现在在费城教育委员会任职。

    I 'm currently serving on the Philadelphia Board of Education .

  15. 国际数学教育委员会系列研究第15项专题研究&数学教师的专业教育和发展

    No. 15 Special Subject Study of International Mathematics Education Committee

  16. 这方面的工作,由天主教教育委员会协助推行。

    The Catholic Board of Education assists in this area .

  17. 我相信,卫生专业人员教育委员会的委员们对此一定深感欣慰。

    I am sure this is music to the Commissioners ' ears .

  18. 国家教育委员会高等教育司

    The Higher Education Department of China 's Commission of Education

  19. 她是下议院教育委员会的成员之一。

    She is a member of the Commons Select Committee on education .

  20. 她是国家体育与体育教育委员会的成员。

    She is with the National Association for Sport and Physical Education .

  21. 你知道我妈妈正在参加教育委员会竞选么?

    Did you know my mother is running for the school board ?

  22. 市长坚决反对教育委员会的建议。

    The mayor bucked at the school board 's suggestion .

  23. 美国中北部高等教育委员会认证活动探析

    The Accreditation Activities of the Higher Learning Commission of U.S.A

  24. 资金直接进入到他们设置的教育委员会。

    Financed directly through the Educational Committee they set up .

  25. 这提议被教育委员会否决了。

    The suggestion was negatived by the school board .

  26. 周三,教育委员会对此进行了投票。

    The school board votes on the plan Wednesday .

  27. 我们推选她担任教育委员会的委员。

    We elected her to the board of education .

  28. 她去教育委员会开会去了。

    She went out for a school board meeting .

  29. 康复服务教育委员会

    Dial-a-ride service Committee on Public Education in Rehabilitation

  30. 该教育委员会每十年都会进行一次评审。

    The board does this review every decade .