
wèi shù bù duì
  • garrison troops;garrison force
  1. 卫戍部队有半数在执行守备任务。

    Half the garrison is / are on duty .

  2. 他们认为他们可以用饥饿的办法使卫戍部队屈服。

    They thought they could starve the garrison into surrender .

  3. 为了控制地方骚乱而建立的卫戍部队体系陷入一片混乱。

    The garrison system set up to control local disturbances fell into disarray .

  4. 卫戍部队驻扎该镇。

    A garrison was stationed in the town .

  5. 接到敌军向前推进的消息时,卫戍部队就被召集。

    Garrison was called out when news of the enemy 's advance was received .

  6. 建立起卫戍部队以便保护在美西战争中占领的殖民地和兼并的西班牙领地。

    Garrisons established to protect colonies acquired in the Spanish American War and kindred annexations .

  7. 卫戍部队立即撤走了。

    The garrison was immediately withdrawn .

  8. 有半数卫戍部队在执勤.不久他就被免除了卫戍司令的职务。

    Half the garrison is / are on duty . Shortly after he was released of [ from ] his command of the garrison forces .

  9. 军队由中央侍卫军、擒生军和地方军三部分组成。中央侍卫军包括“质子军”、皇帝卫队和京师卫戍部队。

    The military forces comprised the imperial army , the " capture " army and local troops . The imperial army was divided into three groups that performed different duties .

  10. 黄巾起义给汉末统治带来了威胁,起初曹操只是一个不起眼的卫戍部队小头日--洛阳北部尉,后因镇压黄巾起义有功被封为将军。

    Cao was initially a minor garrison commander and rose to prominence as a general when he suppressed the Yellow Turban Rebellion , which threatened the last years of Han rule .

  11. “质子军”人数约5000人,是由豪族子弟中选拔善于骑射者组成的一支卫戍部队,负责保卫皇帝安全,号称“御围内六班直”,分三番宿卫。

    The Zhizi Army was an elite force of 5 000 men who were excellent horsemen and archers . Chosen from aristocrat families , they were actually the armed escorts of the emperor and were on duty on three shifts a day in the palace .