
  • 网络Satellite Meeting;Satellite Symposium;satellite symposia;Satellite session;Academic Satellite Symposium
  1. 比如一些GPS卫星会用紫外LED灯来控制设备的电荷聚积,这些灯的电力来自太阳能电池板。

    Some GPS satellites use , for example , UV LEDs to control charge buildup in some of their equipment , and they 're powered by solar panels ;

  2. 他们的卫星会知道敌舰是否浮起。

    They have satellites to see if our birds are aloft .

  3. 这让发现行星和发现卫星会更容易些。

    That makes both planet hunting and moon hunting easier .

  4. 问你认为朝鲜发射卫星会影响六方会谈吗?

    Do you think the DPRK 's satellite launching may affect the Six-Party Talks ?

  5. 人造卫星会在后四年继续探索土星及它的卫星。

    The orbiter will continue to explore Saturn and its moons for four more year .

  6. 为什么卫星会沿轨道运行呢?

    Why do satellites stay in orbit ?

  7. 卫星会测量地球上每一点的水蒸气含量,并得到一些非常漂亮的地图。

    Satellites measure this water vapor content for every point on the globe , producing some truly beautiful maps .

  8. 在低空,轨道,无法维持太久,卫星会重新进入地球大气。

    At that low altitude , this orbit will not last very long , and the satellite will reenter into the Earth 's atmosphere .

  9. 伴随着轨道器一起,美国国家航空航天局的月球环形山观测侦测卫星会向月球南极释放两颗冲击器。

    Accompanying the orbiter , NASA 's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite will drop two impactors into the south pole of the moon .

  10. 碰撞使环具有放射状散开的倾向,但土星的卫星会储存角动量,而使环保持封闭性。

    The collisions give the rings a tendency to spread radially , but Saturn 's moons act as reservoirs of angular momentum that keep the rings confined .

  11. 两颗或多颗卫星相撞会产生更多无法控制的碎片,对太空中不断增加的卫星群构成更大威胁。

    Two or more satellites slamming into each other could create many more out-of-control bits that would pose even more hazards to the growing collection of satellites in space .

  12. 你认为再进行一次卫星扫描会找到导弹吗?

    Is there a chance another satellite pass will find the missile ?

  13. 发射卫星也会耗资数十亿美元。

    And launching a satellite , that can be in the billions of dollars .

  14. 卫星导航会和你说话并且告诉你,比如说,向左旋转。

    The sat nav speaks to you and it tells you , for example , to turn left .

  15. 在高动态环境下,卫星信号会呈现出新特点,会给跟踪带来更高的要求。

    In high dynamic condition , the satellite signals will show some new features , which bring about higher requirement of tracking loop better .

  16. 虽然一颗卫星也会由于它的母行星而产生潮汐现象,但是它永远不会一颗恒星所影响,因此它总会有一些昼夜循环即使从地面的角度来看,它很奇特。

    Though a moon may become tidally locked to its parent planet , it can never be locked to a star , so it will always have some sort of day-night cycle-even if it is an odd one from a terrestrial point of view .

  17. 该部门将确保新发射的卫星不使用会干扰现有卫星的无线电频率,安排新卫星的发射时间。

    The department will make sure that newly launched satellites don 't use radio frequencies that would interfere with existing satellites , and schedule when such new satellites can be launched .

  18. 由于这么多任意用于发射ASAT和破坏卫星,它会是接近到不可能认为一个条约能够确定避免欺骗。

    With so many options for launching ASATs and damaging satellites , it would be near to impossible to consider a treaty that could be certain to prevent cheating .

  19. 用于天气预报的卫星的轨道会通过地球的两极。

    Satellites used for weather forecasting pass over the two poles of the Earth .

  20. 中国的卫星应用产业会如何发展,应如何发展?

    How and what should be done to develop the Satellite Applications Industry in China ?

  21. 平壤方面表示,卫星发射期间会严格遵守相关国际规定。

    Pyongyang says it will fully comply with all relevant international rules during the launch .

  22. 因此,这些多态性微卫星位点将会成为进一步研究峨眉树蛙配偶选择的有用的分子标记。

    These polymorphic loci will be useful markers in studying mate choice of the Omei treefrog .

  23. 中国否认最近的地面反卫星导弹测试会引发国际空间武器竞赛。

    China denies that a recent test of a ground-based anti-satellite missile could trigger an international space arms race .

  24. 外国防务专家称,这么做需要额外的雷达和卫星,肯定会导致武器采购成本激增。

    Foreign defence experts said the additional radars and satellites needed were bound to cause a spike in weapons acquisition costs .

  25. 如果金星在某个地方存在有卫星,卫星会影响到表面最终造成这些灾难的发生吗?

    If Venus had a satellite at one point , could that satellite eventually impacted onto the surface and caused some catastrophe to happen ?

  26. 无论你喜欢听交响乐、摇滚乐还是有声读物,精确配置的集成卫星扬声器都会带给你最佳的听觉享受。

    Whether you enjoy listening to symphony orchestras , rock concerts , or audio books & the precise arrangement of the integrated satellite speakers will provide maximum listening pleasure .

  27. 在各种雷达的工作环境中,如陆地、人造建筑物、鸟群、云雨、飞机、导弹、卫星等都会产生雷达回波。

    In all kinds of radar detect environment , such as land , artificial building , bird , cloud , rain , plane , radar echo can be produced .

  28. 然而,在距地球36000公里的轨道上物体绕转地球一周的时间为24小时,这个物体飞行时持续面对的是地球上的不变的同一个点,这样许多地球同步卫星的运行会形成一个类似的土星环。

    Many , though , form a ring like Saturn 's at a distance of 36000km , the place at which an object takes 24 hours to orbit the Earth and thus hovers continuously over the same point of the planet .

  29. “卫星”展是否会把博览会的访客抢走,最后伤及自身?

    Might the satellites take visitors away from the fairs and die themselves as a result ?

  30. 卫星通信国际讨论会

    International Seminar on Satellite Communications