
  • 网络defense system
  1. 在军队方面,实行卫所制度,明太祖还设立了一个保卫皇帝并从事侦缉活动的军事特务机构——厂卫机构,锦衣卫;

    Ming Taizu set up a special military administration with special tasks to guard the emperor , a guard administration , Jinyiwei .

  2. 卫所制度是明朝创立的一种全新的军政制度,是明代军事制度的一个重要组成部分,是明代海防政策的一个重要体现,也是明代对外交往的一个缩影。

    The Garrison System is a new military policy started from Ming Dynasty , which constitutes a major role in Ming military system and typical embodiment of the Ming coastal defensive policy .

  3. 在辽东卫所中,还出现了卫所军政制度本身限制了驿递之役的达成,而产生对卫所军政制度改革的现象。

    In Liao dong , also appeared in the Guardian of the system itself limits the achievement of the Battle of postal delivery , resulting in the phenomenon of the garrison reform .