
  • 网络satellite monitor
  1. 卫星监测站智能监控系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Monitoring System for Satellite Monitor Stations

  2. 安徽省2002年盛夏7月跳跃性暴雨过程的卫星监测分析

    Weather satellite monitor and analysis of a jumping heavy rain process in Anhui Province in july , 2002

  3. 高分辨率SAR卫星监测特高压输电铁塔形变

    Surveillance for 1000 kV Transmission Tower Deformation Using High-resolution SAR Satellite

  4. 利用SAR卫星监测海上船舶及船舶速度的方法研究

    Study on the Detection of Ship and Ship Speed Using Satellite SAR

  5. 利用高分辨率SAR卫星监测灾害条件下电网铁塔形变

    Monitoring Damage of State Grid Transmission Tower in Bad Weather by High-Resolution SAR Satellites

  6. NOAA卫星监测船舶溢油

    NOAA Satellite Monitoring Oil Spill Of Ship

  7. 结果表明,蓝藻叶绿素的存在使得进入近红外波段水体反射率明显上升,基于这一光谱特性以及蓝藻特有的漂浮特性,可利用NOAA卫星监测巢湖等内陆大面积的严重污染湖泊蓝藻水华的分布状况。

    NOAA data showed that high concentration chlorophyll a caused by blue green algal bloom over the lake gave rise to an obvious increase of the lake water reflectivity in near infrared spectrum .

  8. NSIDC的卫星监测显示今年的海冰融化速度异乎寻常地快,现在以每天高达40000平方公里的速度在消失。

    Satellite monitoring by the NSIDC in Boulder , Colorado , shows that the melting of sea ice has been unusually fast this year , with as much as40,000 sq km now disappearing daily .

  9. 船舶溢油卫星监测与信息高速公路

    Monitoring of the Oil Spilled from Ships and Satellite Information highway

  10. 云南省卫星监测火点三级定位系统

    Satellite Monitoring Fire Spot Three ply Position System in Yunnan Province

  11. 昆明市热岛效应卫星监测研究

    A research on monitoring Kunming city heat island using noaa / avhrr

  12. 设计并实现了一个矿山开采卫星监测系统。

    A mining satellite monitoring system is designed and implemented .

  13. 浙江省卫星监测林火应用初报

    Preliminary Report on Monitoring Forest Fire by Satellite in Zhejiang

  14. 利用气象卫星监测森林火情的方法探讨

    Analysis on the Methods of Meteorological Satellite Forest Fire Monitoring

  15. 森林火灾的气象卫星监测方法

    Monitoring Methods of Forest Fire Using Information of Meteorological Satellite

  16. 利用极轨气象卫星监测草原和森林火灾

    Using polar orbit meteorological satellite to monitor fire disasters of grassland and forest

  17. 美国气象卫星监测海洋溢油

    Monitoring of oil Spill at Sea by NOAA Satellite

  18. 北京1号小卫星监测非正规垃圾场的应用研究

    Study on monitoring of informal open-air solid waste dumps based on Beijing-1 images

  19. 一个矿山开采卫星监测系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of a mining satellite monitoring system

  20. 中国现在使用的大气污染卫星监测数据都是来自国外。

    Instead , China uses foreign satellite data .

  21. 结果表明,这种方法在利用气象卫星监测沙尘暴强度方面具有较好的效果。

    The result showed that this method is effective for monitoring sand storm intensity .

  22. 基于构件技术的卫星监测站监控系统框架的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Monitor and Control System Framework for Satellite Earth Station Based Component

  23. 祁连山积雪卫星监测与河西地区河流融雪径流特征分析

    Satellite Monitoring of Snow Cover in Qilian Mountain and Analysis on Snowmelt Runoff in Hexi District

  24. 利用气象卫星监测雪情的研究

    Study on snow by meteorological satellite

  25. 中国榆林地区现代沙漠化的卫星监测

    Satellites Monitoring of Recent Desertification in the Yulin Region , The People 's Republic of China

  26. 去年,北极夏季海冰面积缩减到自1979年开始卫星监测以来的最低水平。

    Last year , the summer ice shrank to its lowest point since satellite observations started in 1979 .

  27. 应用FY-1B气象卫星监测1991年江淮洪水的研究

    Application of FY-1B Meteorological Satellite Data to Monitor the Flood Disaster in Huaihe River Basin in Summer , 1991

  28. 变化检测作为遥感卫星监测系统中的关键部分,一直以来被广泛研究。

    Change detection is a key part in the remote sensing satellite monitoring platform , and has been extensively studied .

  29. 采用这种方案,系统实现较为简单,管理控制方便,易于在卫星监测站上使用。

    The proposed scheme can be easily realized and managed . It is feasible to use in satellite monitor station .

  30. 随着地球物理勘探、航空摄影、卫星监测技术的发展,人们获得的各种图像资料也与日俱增。

    With the development of geophysical exploration , aerospace photographing and satellite surveillance technology , the amount of acquired image data has increased sharply .