
  • 网络Satellite connection;connection by satellite
  1. 卫星连接一定出了毛病。

    Something must have gone wrong with the satellite link .

  2. 诸如电子邮件服务和卫星连接等都可用以帮助指挥人员。

    Things like e-mail service and satellite links help to herd the cats .

  3. 不久之后,配有高分辨率显示屏的轻巧手机便可以与卫星连接。

    Soon light-weight phones outfitted with high-resolution screens will be connected to satellites .

  4. 该设备可以提供安全的无线连接和卫星连接方式,并通过太阳能提供电力。

    It operates on wireless public safety channels with options for satellite connection and solar power use .

  5. 一套与卫星连接的电脑系统网络会将车安全引导到出口,此时,再由驾驶者重新操纵车辆前往目的地。

    A network of satellite-linked computer systems will guide the car safely to exit , at which point the driver will resume control to the final destination .

  6. 两名知情人士表示,卫星连接请求在印度洋上方某处中断,当时飞机处在正常的巡航高度。

    The pings ceased at a point over the Indian Ocean , while the aircraft was at a normal cruise altitude , say two people familiar with the jet 's last known position .

  7. 国外高分辨率相机与卫星平台连接方式综述

    The Summarization of Connection Ways between Foreign High-resolution Camera and Platform

  8. 如今,将电脑与无线电话连接也成为可能,无线电话再与通信卫星相连接。

    It is now possible to connect a computer with a wireless telephone that can link with communications satellites .

  9. 计时设备还和定位卫星相连接,这些卫星能在一米的误差范围内将帆船比赛的任一船只的位置准确指示出来。

    Timings are connected with positioning satellites ; these satellites are able to pinpoint any vessel to within one meter in sailing events .

  10. 采用六自由度隔振平台作为运载火箭和卫星的连接装置,能够隔离火箭传递到卫星的振动载荷,改善卫星发射过程的动力学环境。

    Using a six degree of freedom ( DOF ) vibration isolation platform as the attachment fitting of the LV to the satellite is an effective way to attenuate the vibration transmission , thus improve the dynamic environment of the satellite .

  11. 在数据通信技术中,用公共电话网或卫星通信等连接各个城市主(计算)机的网络系统。

    In data communications , networks that connect host computers in different cities using public telephone network , satellite communications , etc.

  12. 下面讲讲通讯的问题,汽车很快就将和全球卫星定位系统连接,所以能替你做开车的事。

    Moving on to communications , very soon , cars will be linked to GPS satellites , so they 'll do all the driving for you .

  13. 分析了在星座结构参数确定的条件下,中轨道/低轨道(MEO/LEO)双层卫星网络弱连接模型中层间连接度参数的选取。

    The selection of connected degree of MEO satellite and LEO satellite in MEO / LEO double layer satellite networks under certain constellation parameters was analyzed in this paper .

  14. 我们已经通过卫星和领导办公室连接上了。

    We 're hooked up to our head office by satellite .

  15. 卫星网络,就会连接。

    The satellite network , it 's going to go online .

  16. 美国和巴林媒体组织谴责伊朗通过阻塞卫星,阻断互联网连接或恐吓记者的方式来妨碍独立的报道的行为。

    Media organisations in the US and in Britain have condemned attempts by Iran to block independent reporting by jamming satellites , interrupting Internet connections or intimidating journalists .

  17. 双层卫星网络中MEO与LEO卫星连接度分析

    Analysis of Connected-Degree in MEO / LEO Double Layer Satellite Networks

  18. 在失联后,飞机的卫星通讯系统在至少五个小时内继续向卫星发出连接请求。

    After vanishing , the jet 's satellite communications system continued to ping orbiting satellites for at least five hours .

  19. 根据所设计的多层卫星网络的星座参数,通过对层间链路几何特性的研究,分析了多层卫星网络中MEO卫星与LEO卫星的连接度性能。

    Considering certain constellation parameters , the geometric characteristics of IOLs are described and the connectivity of MEO satellites and LEO satellites in the DLSN is analyzed .