
  • 网络bond financing;BOND FINANCE
  1. 西方的资本结构理论是债券融资对公司绩效影响的理论基础。本文以MM理论作为分界点,阐述分析了早期资本结构理论和现代资本结构理论。

    The capital structure theory of west is the theoretical basis of the bond financing . " MM " theory as a demarcation point on the early capital structure theory and modern capital structure theory .

  2. 在分析环境基础设施项目投资主体、投融资环境和融资渠道的基础上,重点介绍了BOT融资模式和市政债券融资模式。

    At the basis of analysis of the environment infrastructure projects investment main body , investment and financing environment and financing channels , focuses on the mode of BOT financing and municipal bond financing .

  3. 黑石总裁托尼詹姆斯(tonyjames)表示,高风险债券融资市场的垮台降低了费用、延误了资产销售,会对业绩造成影响。

    Tony James , Blackstone president , said that the meltdown in the financing markets for risky debt would hit performance by reducing fees and delaying asset sales .

  4. 国有的中海油(CNOOC)今年1月通过发行一只投资级美元债券融资20亿美元。

    China National Offshore Oil Corp , the state-owned oil company , raised $ 2bn through an investment-grade dollar bond in January .

  5. 第四章是实施可转换债券融资的SWOT矩阵和IFE评价矩阵分析,从战略的角度定性分析了我国上市企业可转债融资的可操作性;

    The fourth chapter makes SWOT analysis and IFE appraisal , analyzing the feasibility of convertible bonds in listed companies strategically and qualitatively .

  6. 理论和实践证明,对发展中国家而言,发展企业债券融资渠道,降低银行系统金融资产占GDP的百分比,在宏观上可以起到分散风险的作用,增加整个金融系统抵御风险的能力;

    It has been demonstrated that by developing corporation bonds market and descending the percentage of financial assets of banks to GDP it could enhance the capability of the entire society to resist the financial risks .

  7. 其次,介绍了城市基础设施投融资的创新方式BOT方式与城市基础设施融资方式的新发展市政债券融资,并分析了在我国发展这两种融资方式可行性与目前存在的问题。

    Based on the characters of the urban infrastructure projects and using overseas experience as a reference , this dissertation dissertates the basic operational process about the investment and financing way the BOT .

  8. 随着风险债券融资成本的不断下降,一些主流企业也开始愿意承担信用评级下调的后果,尽管AAA评级过去一直是企业财务总管引以为傲的资本。

    With the cost of funding risky debt falling , some mainstream companies have also proved willing to suffer the consequences of credit downgrades , even though treasurers used to view AAA status as a source of pride .

  9. 为应对这些关切,实权在握的中央规划机构国家发改委(ndrc)上周宣布,将允许各省市利用债券融资支持保障性住房建设。

    Trying to address those concerns , the national development and Reform Commission , a powerful central planning agency , said last week that it would allow provinces and cities to issue bonds to fund the development of affordable housing .

  10. 中国机构海外债券融资研究

    A Study of China 's Domestic Institutions ' Oversea Bonds Financing

  11. 浅析我国上市公司的债券融资

    Brief analysis of bond finances of our country 's public companies

  12. 第二章是关于上市公司债券融资的理论分析,分为相关理论综述理论分析与模型分析三部分。

    The second chapter is about the theories of bond financing .

  13. 公路建设债券融资方式探析

    A Probe of the Possibility of Bond Financing in Highway Construction

  14. 城市建设中地方政府债券融资模式研究

    Research on Bond Financing Pattern of Local Government in Urban Construction

  15. 第一部分,介绍企业债券融资理论。

    The first part describes the enterprise bonds financing theory .

  16. 发展企业债券融资健全直接融资结构

    Developing Securities Financing for Enterprises to Perfect Direct Financing Structure

  17. 可转换债券融资是企业再融资途径中一种重要的融资方式。

    Convertible bond financing is a significant way of refinancing for businesses .

  18. 韩国中小企业债券融资模式研究及对我国的启示

    Research on Bond Financing Models of Korean SMEs and Implications to China

  19. 其中,债券融资是重要的研究对象。

    Of these , bond financing is an important object to study .

  20. 债券融资是公司直接融资方式之一。

    Bond financing is one way of company direct financing .

  21. 关于对可转换债券融资发行范围的确定研究

    A Study on the Scope Definition of Convertible Bond Issuing

  22. 市政债券融资方式参与体育基础设施建设的研究

    Research on Municipal Bonds Financing Participating in Sports Infrastructure Construction

  23. 因此,对可转换债券融资动机进行研究具有非常重要的意义。

    So study on the financing motivation of convertible bond is significant .

  24. 在直接融资中,债券融资滞后于其他金融市场的发展。

    In direct financing , bond financing lags behind other financial markets .

  25. 可转换公司债券融资与要素设计相关研究

    Research on the Financing and Factor Design for Convertible Bond

  26. 进行国际债券融资的策略与方法

    Tactics and Methods of Circulate Necessary Funds in International Bonds

  27. 二是在债券融资方面,要创造条件促进民营企业的债券融资;

    Second , in bond financing , creating conditions for private enterprise ;

  28. 公司债券融资障碍&基于公司治理结构的分析

    The Obstacle of Debenture Financing : The Analysis Based on Corporate Governance

  29. 我国上市企业可转换债券融资研究

    A Study on Convertible Bonds Financing of Chinese Listed Companies

  30. 债券融资已成为我国企业融资的重要方式。

    Bond financing has become an important mode of financing .