
  • 网络bond issue;bond issuance;debt offering;debenture issue;T&C LAW FIRM
  1. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)预测,2009年至2014年,亚洲以美元计价的公司债券发行规模将扩大3倍,到2014年,年度发行规模将达到或超过1000亿美元。

    Morgan Stanley forecasts that Asian dollar-denominated corporate bond issuance will quadruple between 2009 and 2014 , with annual issuance running at or above $ 100bn by 2014 .

  2. Dealogic的数据显示,亚洲债券发行量也处于历来最高水平,今年上半年发行额接近5000亿美元。

    Asian bond issuance is also running at levels never seen before with nearly $ 500bn worth done already in the first half , according to Dealogic .

  3. 中国银行(BankofChinaLtd.)是中国债券发行市场的重要角色,投行业务收入的排名也上升了三个名次,位列第九。

    Bank of China Ltd. , a debt powerhouse in China , also moved up three spots to ninth in the rankings for investment-banking revenues .

  4. 美银美林(BankofAmericaMerrillLynch)、摩根大通(JPMorgan)和富国银行(WellsFargo)牵头此次债券发行工作。

    Bank of America Merrill Lynch , JPMorgan and Wells Fargo led the underwriting of the sale .

  5. 国有的中国国家开发银行(CDB)表示,它已取消了原定在周五进行的一期债券发行。

    China Development Bank , a major state-owned lender , said it had cancelled a bill issuance scheduled for Friday .

  6. 华尔街正专注于构建单一名称信用违约互换(CDS),此类衍生品合约可用来追踪一家债券发行企业的违约风险。

    Wall Street is focusing efforts on building up single name credit default swaps , a derivatives contract that tracks the risk of default by a company that sells bonds .

  7. 汤姆森金融(thomsonfinancial)的数据显示,今年第一季度,在全球其它地方的可转换债券发行量下降的同时,亚太地区却呈现强劲增长,达到创纪录水平。

    Issuance of convertible bonds in the Asia-Pacific region grew strongly to hit record levels in the first quarter of the year while declining in the rest of the world , according to Thomson Financial .

  8. 从事饮料瓶装业务的PepsiBottlingGroup10月份为33亿美元的债券发行支付了远高于以往的收益率。

    Pepsi Bottling Group in October paid considerably more than it has in the past for a $ 3.3 billion bond offering .

  9. 关于efsf这次债券发行最令人瞩目的一个事实是,欧元区投资者的购买比例达到了76%。

    The most salient fact about the last EFSF bond issue is that 76 per cent of it was bought by eurozone-based investors .

  10. dealogic的银行数据包括所谓的高级无担保债券发行,这是银行传统上主要的融资手段。

    The Dealogic bank data includes so-called senior unsecured issuance , traditionally the bread and butter of bank funding .

  11. 降低收费通常都是物有所值的,这样做既是为了和企业建立关系,也有利于投行今后的业务,比如随后的公司债券发行,或是其他大型IPO。

    Lower fees are often worth it in order to build a relationship with a company and position the bank for future business , such as an upcoming debt issuance or other top shelf IPOs .

  12. markit的数据显示,自5月份以来,除日本以外,亚洲50个投资级企业债券发行者的信用违约互换(cds)指数,几乎与欧洲的同类指数持平。

    An index of CDs on 50 investment-grade Asian corporate borrowers outside Japan , tracked by Markit , has been practically flat to the equivalent European index since May .

  13. EFSF上一轮融资很难说取得了巨大成功,然而我们似乎又需要进行规模大得多的债券发行。

    The last EFSF fundraising was hardly a runaway success , yet now we appear to be on the brink of needing to see far greater issuance .

  14. 尽管这笔对冲业务并未成为现实,但杜军能够帮助摩根士丹利获得一项共同委托权,与贝尔斯登(BearStearns)一起负责中信资源10亿美元的债券发行。

    While the hedging business did not materialise , Mr Du was able to help Morgan Stanley win a joint mandate , along with Bear Stearns , on a $ 1bn bond issue by Citic Resources .

  15. 巴克莱(Barclays)估计,美国今年的债券发行总规模将达到1万亿美元,其中将有最多3000亿美元来自评级低于投资级别的借款者,这个数字低于2011年的3450亿美元。

    Barclays estimates overall debt sales in the US this year of $ 1tn , with up to $ 300bn coming from borrowers with ratings below investment-grade , down from $ 345bn in 2011 .

  16. 企业既可以进行首次公开发行(IPO)股票,也可以开展首次债券发行,甚至可以发行上市前(pre-IPO)的可转换债券。

    Companies would carry out both initial public offerings of shares and initial bond offerings , and even a pre-IPO of convertibles – that is , investments that would in time convert from bonds into equities .

  17. 相比之下,美国各银行的债券发行规模超过去年,亚洲各银行筹资3070亿美元,为dealogic1995年开始追踪这一数据以来的最高年度水平。

    By contrast , banks in the US issued more debt than last year and Asian banks raised $ 307bn , the highest annual figure since Dealogic started tracking the data in 1995 .

  18. 北京方面正期待外国投资者向中国企业放贷,阿尔布雷希特认为赛维LDK案例有助于为中国的债券发行人构建信誉。

    Mr Albrecht believes the LDK case has helped to build credibility in Chinese bond issuers at a time when Beijing is keen to see foreign investors lend to its companies .

  19. 光顾该市场的非金融企业仍然很少,今年仅有的两次重要本土债券发行,发行方分别是住宅地产开发商mirvac和地产投资信托公司dbrreef。

    Non-financial companies are still rare visitors to the market , with only two significant domestic bond issues this year , from residential property developer mirvac and the property investment trust DB rreef .

  20. 希腊债务管理局局长佩特罗斯克里斯托多罗(PetrosChristodoulou)表示:在经历过一段非常关键的时期后,我们已重启希腊政府债券发行。

    We have re-opened Greek government issuance after a very critical period , said Petros Christodoulou , head of the country 's debt management agency .

  21. 可转换债券发行动因及股价效应研究

    The Reasons of Issuing Convertible Bonds and the Stock Price Effects

  22. 可分离债券发行上市对标的股票的影响

    Study on the Impact of Warrants Bond Issue on the Underlying Stocks

  23. 因此,太阳风公司债券发行的记录如下

    Thus Solarwind Corporation will record the issuance of these bonds as follows

  24. 可转换债券发行条件设计的技术分析

    Technical Analysis of the Design of Indenture for Convertible Bonds

  25. 然而,高收益率债券发行则创下有史以来的最高记录。

    However , high-yield debt issuance has reached all-time records .

  26. 不同的条款设计对发行公司和投资者的收益和风险都有很大影响,条款设计是可转换债券发行成功的关键因素。

    Different clause design has great influence to issuing company and investors .

  27. 我国海外债券发行的法律问题研究

    A Study of the Legal Problems on Overseas Bonds Issuance of China

  28. 短期回购利率是重要的货币市场利率,是短期债券发行定价和利率衍生品定价的重要基准,也是套利资金的成本,其对市场的影响越来越大。

    The short-term buyback interest rate is the important money market interest rate .

  29. 外国债券发行的管理费用比欧洲债券市场低。

    Expenses in connection with a bond issue than has the Euro-bond market .

  30. 1.5亿美元债券发行始末

    The Issue of a US $ 150 Million Bond