
zhài quàn tóu zī
  • bond investment
  1. 前面的表格是一个债券投资回报计算(BondInvestmentReturnCalculation)实例:利息率的基准保持不变的前提下,分析了利差缩小的状况。

    The table on the previous page is an example a Bond Investment Return Calculation , illustrating the tightening of spreads and with the benchmark interest rate remaining constant .

  2. 编制内部债券投资抵消分录应考虑的几个问题

    Consideration on Several Problems in Compiling Internal Bond Investment Offsetting Entry

  3. 合资格及特别债务证券b.债券投资组合管理

    Qualifying and special debt securities b. Managing Bond Portfolios

  4. 在利润率R0下的最佳组合证券投资比例系数的计算方法债券投资中单复利比较与应用

    Vestment of the Best Combination under the Interest RateR_0 Comparison between Simple Interest and Compound Interest and its Application in Bonds Investment

  5. b.债券投资组合管理

    B. Managing Bond Portfolios

  6. 拥有2000亿美元注册资本的中国投资有限责任公司(ChinaInvestmentCorp。)已开始在全球范围内广招贤才,为其在全球金融市场中的股票及债券投资寻找合适的管理者。

    China 's $ 200 billion sovereign wealth fund has launched a global recruitment drive , aiming to attract staff to manage its purchases of stocks and bonds on global financial markets .

  7. C4模型将组合业绩中来自债券投资的部分分离出来,使剩余部分真正反映针对股票市场的时机选择能力。

    C4 model separates the return from the bond market investment , and let the remainder stand for the stock market return .

  8. 10月19日道富环球投资管理公司(SSgA)公布了一项绿色债券投资战略。

    On October19th State Street Global Advisors ( SSgA ), a big asset-management firm , unveiled a green-bond investment strategy .

  9. 一个债券投资组合的波动性可能是5%,而Pleiad的波动性可能为4%,但对冲基金有着崩溃的风险。

    A bond portfolio 's volatility may be 5 per cent , and Pleiad 's may be 4 per cent , but with hedge funds there is the risk of a blow-up .

  10. 债券投资回报结合了以上两种风险。

    Returns on bond investment incorporates these two components of risks .

  11. 针对股票和债券投资模型进行实证研究。

    Based on stock and bond investment model for empirical research .

  12. 别再为选股或债券投资所烦恼了。

    Forget stock picking or trying to ladder your bond investments .

  13. 新的债券投资品种必须包含一定得国债连带偿付责任。

    This instrument must involve some joint liability for government debts .

  14. 债券投资应当按实际支付的款项记帐。

    Bonds investment shall be accounted for according to actual amount paid .

  15. 探讨了债券投资、股票投资的不确定性。

    This paper analysis uncertainty of the bond and stock investment . 〔

  16. 可转换债券投资及其定价模型研究

    The Research of Investment and Pricing Model of Convertible Bond

  17. 可转换债券投资价值实证研究

    Positive Studies on the Investment Value of Convertible Bonds

  18. 另外6只基金提供债券投资机会,包括全球债券和可转换债券。

    The other six offer exposure to bonds including global and convertible bonds .

  19. 在债券投资中,收益率与价格变动的方向相反。

    In bond investing , yields and prices move in corresponding opposite directions .

  20. 我国寿险公司债券投资原理分析

    An Approach in Theory to the Bond Investment of China 's Life Insurers

  21. 我国企业债券投资风险的计量分析

    Econometric Analysis of Enterprises Bond Investment Adventure in China

  22. 全球投资者因此纷纷从政府债券投资中寻求安全感。

    In response , investors sought safety in government bonds around the world .

  23. 此外,还有必要创造出一种新的债券投资品种,让投资人可以放心投资。

    It also means creating a debt instrument that investors can believe in .

  24. 我国债券投资中一种利率风险最小化模型的分析

    Analysis and Research on a Minimization Model of Interest Rate Risk in Security Investment

  25. 可转换公司债券投资收益曲线的构造

    Constructing the investment income curve of convertible bonds

  26. 基于预测利率期限结构变动的债券投资策略实证研究

    An Empirical Research on Bond Investment Strategy Based on Interest Rate Term Structure Change

  27. 谈长期债券投资溢、折价摊销的实际利率

    The real interest rate of the overflow and discount sales of the long-term bond

  28. 利率风险是债券投资所面临的最重要的风险之一。

    The rate of interest risk is the most important risk against the debenture invest .

  29. 这一组合使大宗商品成为所有传统的股票/债券投资组合的最佳多元化品种。

    This combination makes commodities the perfect diversifier for any traditional stock / bond portfolio .

  30. 债券投资的理论和实证研究

    Theoretical and Practical Study on Bond Investment