
  • 网络Control risk;risk control
  1. 去年,肯特•凯德尔接管了伦敦管理咨询公司控制风险集团(ControlRisks)的亚洲业务,他知道自己肯定会遇到大麻烦。

    Kent kedl knew he had big problems last year when he took the helm of the Asia practice of London-based management consulting firm control risks .

  2. 咨询机构“控制风险”(controlrisks)朝鲜问题高级分析师安德鲁吉洛姆(andrewgilholm)表示,李明博的话偏于乐观。

    Andrew gilholm , senior North Asia analyst at the control risks consultancy , said Mr Lee was being highly optimistic .

  3. ERP环境下的内部控制风险探讨

    Discussion of Internal Control Risk under ERP Environment

  4. 并建立了基于相关性分析的MES软件项目风险预警模型,为防范和控制风险提供了行之有效的方法。

    And based on correlation analysis , it also established a risk alarming model for MES software project .

  5. 艾伦格林斯潘(alangreenspan)感到非常费解,为什么银行股东和管理层没有更加有效地控制风险?

    Alan Greenspan expressed puzzlement that shareholders and managers of banks had not controlled risk more effectively .

  6. 本系统通过VB编程与数据挖掘技术相结合,实现了银行资产负债比例管理,可以有效地控制风险。

    Through VB Tools and data extraction technology , we designed the Asset Liability management system to control the risk of currency , interest and maturity in daily banking operation .

  7. 结合W企业的实际情况和W企业专家的实际经验,给出了W企业采购控制风险的等级和风险区间,并得到了企业采购控制各级风险评价标准。

    According to W company real situation and expert experience , this paper has also given the rate and risk section of W company purchasing control and got the evaluation standard of the purchasing control .

  8. 文章首先对会计信息系统在ERP环境下的生成特征进行分析,着重探讨了内部控制风险在新的运行环境下呈现出的新特征,并提出了相应的防范内部控制风险措施。

    At first , the article analysed how does it produce to the accounting information system under the environment of E R P , then discussed the internal control risk emphatically the new characteristic which presents under the new movement environment , at last proposed the corresponding measure .

  9. 风险导向审计是现代财务审计的重要方法,把它应用到EDP系统审计中的关键问题是如何正确评估EDP系统控制风险水平,以便确定后续EDP系统审计的取证范围。

    Risk Guideline auditing is an important method in modern financial audit . The Key problem in using EDP system is to evaluate the level of risk control to decide the scope in obtaining evidence for audit .

  10. 为研究内部控制风险与审计定价的相关性,我们根据理论分析提出以下三个假设:H1:内部控制缺陷披露与否与审计定价正相关;H2:内部控制缺陷数量与审计定价正相关。

    To study the risks and the audit of internal control related to pricing , we propose the following theoretical analysis based on three assumptions : H1 : Internal Control and Audit Pricing vulnerability disclosure are related ; H2 : Internal Control and Audit Pricing number of defects are related .

  11. 国企内博弈格局变迁与经营者控制风险防范

    Risk Precaution of manager control From the Perspective of Game Theory

  12. 其竞争的过程将是有效控制风险的竞争。

    The competition process will be effective control of risks of competition .

  13. 强化预算管理,建立控制风险和抵御风险的内部机制。

    Finally , establishing the inner mechanism of controlling and resisting risk .

  14. 基于会计基础工作的内部控制风险规避研究

    A Research of Internal Control Risk Aversion Based on the Accounting Basic Job

  15. 信用卡审核评分是商业银行控制风险的必要手段。

    Credit card audit scoring is a necessary means of commercial bank risk control .

  16. 工程施工阶段成本控制风险管理方法研究

    The research on the risk management method of cost control in the phase of construction

  17. 其目的是,建立风险识别和评价系统,以帮助企业控制风险。

    The objective is to set up identifying and evaluating system to help companies control risks .

  18. 风险(请参阅提示“控制风险:不让风险控制您”)

    Risks ( see the tip " Manage risk : Don 't let it manage you ")

  19. 在此基础上,本篇论文分析了融资租赁相对于一般的商业银行贷款可以更为有效地控制风险。

    On this basis , the thesis analyses can control the risk more effectively than commercial bank loans .

  20. 控制风险原则2011年前两次货币政策的实施大概相隔两个月。

    The two previous monetary measures put into effect in2011 came roughly two months apart from each other .

  21. 另外,我国三级管理体系的各机构,都应该引入风险量化机制来控制风险。

    Furthermore , the institutions of the third-class management system should introduce risk measurement mechanism to control risk .

  22. 商业银行作为营利性机构,在合理控制风险的基础上提高效率是其追求利润最大化的本质要求,也是现代银行业经营发展的关键。

    As profitable institution , improving their efficiency with rational risk control is the requirement of their profit maximization .

  23. 通过这种方法,租赁公司承担的风险要比普通债权人小得多。租赁公司第二个控制风险的手段就是控制资金的投向。

    The second means to control the risk is that the lessor controls the investment direction of the fund .

  24. 目的探讨我国进境集装箱卫生检疫工作中存在的风险隐患,研究控制风险的对策。

    Objective Discuss the potential risk of entry containers ' health quarantine and find out the controllable countermeasures concerned .

  25. 如何控制风险,降低需求的不确定性已经成为企业首先需要解决的问题。

    How to control the risk and reduce demand uncertainty has been the big problem which should be solved firstly .

  26. 如何评估控制风险、如何预测未来收益就成为风险投资过程中的两大核心问题。

    How to control the risk and predict the future benefits become the two core problems of the Venture Capital .

  27. 审计风险按其形成原因可分为固有风险、控制风险和检查风险三大类。

    According to its forming reasons , audit risk can be divided into inherent risk , control risk and inspection risk .

  28. 只有全面深入地认识风险,才能更好地达到控制风险、减少损失的目的。

    Only have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of risk can achieve the purpose of controlling risks and reducing losses well .

  29. 在管线的完整性管理系统中,其核心是对风险的理解和如何控制风险。

    An understanding of risk , and how it can be controlled was at the heart of a pipeline integrity management system .

  30. 针对以上结论,本文在最后部分对我国商业银行如何控制风险,提高利润效率提出了相关建议。

    According to the conclusions , this paper offered some suggestions to commercial banks about how to control risk and improve efficiency .