
zhài quàn shōu yì lǜ
  • bond yield
  1. 据摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)估计,2011年欧洲股市的股息收益率为3.8%,而债券收益率为3.4%。

    European stocks offer a2011 dividend yield of3.8 % versus a bond yield of3.4 % , Morgan Stanley notes ;

  2. 最终,低联邦基金利率将支持长期债券收益率。

    Ultimately , low Fed funds rate will anchor the longer term bond yield .

  3. 传统的做法是将地方政府债券收益率当作无风险回报率,其beta值为零。

    The convention is to use the yield on local government debt as the risk-free rate , which has a beta of zero .

  4. 与此同时,长期债券收益率回归理性,而市场波动性指标也重返雷曼(lehman)破产前的水平。

    Meanwhile , longer-term bonds are drifting back to sensible yields and indicators of volatility are back to pre-Lehman levels .

  5. 同样,西班牙短期债券收益率远远低于开始就欧洲央行(ecb)为西班牙提供支持进行讨论之前的水平,这也是说的通的。

    Equally , it makes sense for Spanish short-term bond yields to be far lower than before European Central Bank support was discussed .

  6. 这些批评者说,英国央行(BoE)能够把英国国债债券收益率保持在希望的任何水平上。

    The Bank of England , they say , can keep gilt yields where it wants .

  7. 欧洲央行(ECB)也承诺实施无止境的干预以保护陷入困境的欧元区国家的债券收益率,令其不受市场对于它们可能退出欧元区的担忧的影响。

    The European Central Bank has also promised unlimited intervention to protect the bond yields of struggling eurozone countries against fears that they could leave the euro .

  8. 由于经济报告提出了更有力的佐证,表明美国经济以增长态势进入夏季,美联储(federalreserve)也对通胀持警惕看法,债券收益率开始上扬。

    As economic reports provided ever heavier evidence that the US economy was entering summer on an upswing , and the Federal Reserve maintained a vigilant view on inflation , bond yields began to rise .

  9. 投资者昨日越发相信美联储(Fed)将在本月降息,以防止经济减速。这一预期导致债券收益率下降,而美元则跌至创纪录低点。

    Investors increased their bets yesterday that the US Federal Reserve will cut interest rates this month to stave off an economic slowdown , sending bond yields lower and pushing the dollar to a record low .

  10. 正如德意志银行(deutschebank)所指出,香港已成为离岸人民币产品的“定价中心”,离岸人民币汇率和债券收益率几乎全部是在香港确立的。

    As Deutsche Bank notes , the city has become the " pricing centre " for offshore renminbi products , with the setting of offshore renminbi exchange rates and bond yields almost wholly based there .

  11. WellsCapitalManagement首席投资策略师吉姆保尔森(JimPaulsen)表示:股票可以应付更高的债券收益率。作为一名股票投资者,你希望看到经济转好,而美联储撤销流动性,是因为复苏已步入正轨。

    Stocks can handle higher yields and as an equity investor you want to see a stronger economy and the Fed withdrawing its liquidity as the recovery gains ground , says Jim Paulsen , chief investment strategist at Wells Capital Management .

  12. 上周,这些承诺的“价值”创出新的纪录,efsf10年期债券收益率及其相对德国国债的息差均创新低。

    Last week those promises hit a new record value , with EFSF 10-year bond yields , and their spread over German bonds , hitting a new low .

  13. 近40%的受访者预计,包括债券收益率、失业率和美国国内生产总值(GDP)的一组经济指标将出现明显好转,足以预示经济将在明年上半年开始复苏。

    Almost 40 per cent predicted that a basket of economic indicators , including bond yields , the jobless rate and the nation 's gross domestic product , would improve enough to signal the start of a recovery in the first half of 2010 .

  14. 正如现任美联储主席本伯南克(benbernanke)在2002年的精彩演说中所指出的,如果即便没有通胀风险,政府债券收益率仍在上升,那么美联储可以只管买入政府债券。

    As Ben Bernanke , now fed chairman , pointed out in his brilliant speech in 2002 , if government bond yields rise even though there is no inflation risk , the Fed can just buy government bonds .

  15. 实际上,美联储主席本伯南克(BenBernanke)不会想看到债券收益率进一步攀升,因为现在利率上升仍然可能扼杀经济复苏的苗头,并且还会破坏有利于增强市场信心的股市涨势。

    Indeed , Ben Bernanke , Fed chairman , will not want to see yields climb further as rising interest rates now could still kill off signs of economic revival and , moreover , derail the confidence-boosting rally in equities .

  16. 此前人们对今年的期待是经济不仅会增长,而且会加快增长,这种期待推高了股票价格和债券收益率,Harris私人银行首席投资官杰克埃布林(JackAblin)表示。

    The expectation for this year was that the economy would not only grow , but accelerate , pushing up stock prices and bond yields , said Jack Ablin , chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank .

  17. 在美财政部助理部长JanEberly近日发表的一篇文章中提到,必须要严格审查企业债券收益率的表现,企业利润以及其他指标。

    In a recent article , Jan Eberly , an assistant secretary for economic policy , scrutinised the behaviour of corporate-bond yields , corporate profits and other indicators .

  18. 另一种可能是,人口结构使债券收益率维持在低水平。

    Another possibility is that demographics are keeping bond yields low .

  19. 与此同时,尽管其他市场上存在乐观情绪,但债券收益率仍保持低位。

    Meanwhile , despite optimism elsewhere , bond yields remain contained .

  20. 意大利能够承受得起在几个月内忽视债券收益率上升。

    Italy can afford to ignore rising bond yields for months .

  21. 希腊3年期债券收益率现在超过21%。

    Yields on Greek three-year debt now exceed 21 per cent .

  22. 有人警告称,债券收益率的这种差异可能不会持久。

    Some warn that this divergence in bond yields may not last .

  23. 在任何被视为安全的国家,债券收益率大幅下降。

    Yields are plunging in any country seen as safe .

  24. 爱尔兰和葡萄牙债券收益率也感受到了压力。

    Irish and Portuguese bond yields also came under pressure .

  25. 债券收益率下降,可别高兴的太早。

    Plunging bond yields are not grounds for great cheer .

  26. 10年期政府债券收益率刚刚升至8%以上。

    Ten-year government bond yields have just surged above 8 per cent .

  27. 眼下政府债券收益率水平很低。

    The level of government bond yields is very low .

  28. 西班牙和葡萄牙债券收益率也大涨。

    Spanish and Portuguese bond yields also rose sharply .

  29. 我们预计在未来的几个月债券收益率将保持震荡。

    We expect bond yields to range trade over the coming few months .

  30. 英国债券收益率下跌至二战以来的最低水平。

    UK bond yields dropped to their lowest since the Second World War .