
  • 网络common stock;ordinary share
  1. 我国资本市场除应大力发展已经成形的普通股股票市场及债券市场外,还应进一步将优先股引入企业股份结构。

    Besides the accelerated development of common stock market and bond market , the preferred stock should be drawn into the stock structure of company .

  2. 该公司以221亿美元总价回购了2.78亿普通股股票。

    The Company repurchased 278 million shares of its common stock at a gross of $ 22.1 billion .

  3. 发行之记名普通股股票未在外国证券市场挂牌交易。

    Any registered common shares that it issues must not have been previously listed on a foreign securities market .

  4. 可转换证券是指由股份公司发行的,可以按一定条件转换为一定数量的公司普通股股票的债券。

    In China , the first convertible bond is issued by the listed company in Shanghai Security Exchange Zhong Fang Ji .

  5. A股和H股都是由中国境内注册公司发行的普通股股票,却一直处于同股不同价的分割状态。

    China A-shares and H-shares are both ordinary shares issued by Chinese domestic companies , but with different prices all the time .

  6. 换股合并中的折股比例是指目标企业的一股普通股股票换取主并企业的多少股普通股股票。

    For example , if the ratio is 0.5 , it means that target enterprise with ordinary share can exchange 0.5 share from the head enterprise .

  7. 在普通股股票证书颁发给承授者之前,承授者对期权项下股票没有任何股东权利。

    The Optionee shall have no rights as a stockholder with respect to Shares subject to the Option until certificates for Shares of Common Stock are issued to the Optionee .

  8. 相比于欧元区创造的传奇来说,欧洲普通股在整个股票市场处于弹跳期,即“安全”期时仍运行良好不足为奇。

    Given the euro-zone saga , it is not surprising that European equities do well when the markets are having one of their bouncier , " risk on " days .

  9. 在我们的模型中,管理者的薪酬由普通股、限制性股票和固定工资构成。

    The managerial compensation is composed of common stock , restricted stock and fixed wages in our model .

  10. 给与公司现有普通股股东在未来股票发行时享有购买股票的优先权。

    Preemptive right the right of a company 's existing common shareholders to have the first chance to purchase shares in a company 's future stock issuance .