
huì yuán ɡōnɡ sī
  • member company;member corporation
  1. 每个会员公司给出了一票,不分大小。

    Each member company is given one vote , regardless of size .

  2. 如果有人想在市场上买卖证券,必须委托会员公司的经纪人才能进行交易,登记注册、开立资金账户和证券交易账户。

    If you want to buy or sell securities in the market , you must entrust member company 's broker to make the dealing , register for the roll and open a capital account and a securities account .

  3. 在加入WTO之前,很多的SIA美国证券投资协会的会员公司认为中国是最具有潜力的国家。

    Prior to WTO accession , many of SIA 's leading member firms identified China as the largest single emerging market opportunity .

  4. 该咨询服务处的12个会员公司每年能为KPMG带来30亿美元的收入。

    The advisory service's12 member firms bring in annual revenue totaling more than $ 3 billion for KPMG .

  5. 总部位于华盛顿特区的国际奶制品食品联合会(IDFA)代表这个国家奶制品生产商和销售产业及他们的供应商的利益。它拥有550家会员公司的1250亿美元的年销售额。

    The International Dairy Foods Association ( IDFA ), Washington , D.C. , represents the nation 's dairy manufacturing and marketing industries and their suppliers , with a membership of 550 companies representing a $ 125-billion a year industry .

  6. 接着,由5家会员公司进行了新产品介绍。

    The introduction of new products by5 member companies followed .

  7. 凝聚力为每一个会员公司的领导阶层所认可并监控。

    Adherence is endorsed and monitored by the leadership of each member firm .

  8. 有69个公司作为插件提供者,另外还有13个合作会员公司。

    There are sixty-nine companies serving as add-in providers , and another thirteen associate member companies .

  9. 该局于2005年创办了一个企业联盟,如今已有100多家会员公司。

    Noms set up a corporate alliance in 2005 that now has more than 100 member companies .

  10. 然而,最大的受益者们是证交所各会员公司的合伙人。

    But the greatest beneficiaries were the partners of the member firms of Sir Nicholas 's stock exchange .

  11. 该集团最近公布,已经有81家会员公司签约使用新的人民币计价股票交易平台。

    The group recently disclosed that 81 of its members had signed up to use a new platform to trade renminbi-denominated stocks .

  12. 指纽约证券交易所会员公司之股东或合伙人。联合会员依规定不得于交易厅内进行业务。

    A general partner or voting stock holder of a NYSE member firm ; allowed to perform transactions on the exchange floor .

  13. 他还表示:来自我们会员公司的定期反馈显示,它们仍在盈利,并将继续扩大在中国的业务。

    Regular feedback from our member companies indicates they remain profitable and will continue to expand their China operations , he says .

  14. 交易所其它会员公司承接了卖盘,使瑞穗证券建立了巨大的空头头寸,需要花费巨资才能平仓。

    Other member firms picked up the offer , leaving Mizuho with a large short position that it had to unwind at great expense .

  15. 榜样引导着我们&从某种意义上来说,任何层次的作为都起着我们所期望的相互间和我们会员公司用户例示的作用。

    We lead by example & at all levels acting in a way that exemplifies what we expect of each other and our member firms'clients .

  16. 国际商会倡导的主题,与全球成千上万的会员公司和行业协会的利益不无相关。

    ICC 's advocacy has never been more relevant to the interests of thousands of member companies and business associations in every part of the world .

  17. 如果会员公司们在它们的活动中有明显的不同的话,企业集团通常可以将它的一些活动中的亏损与其他活动的利润来互相抵消。

    If the member companies differ sufficiently in their activities , the conglomerate can usually offset losses in some of its operations with profits in others .

  18. 为了帮助国家行业协会及其会员公司通过宣传业务实现在全球经济中取得成功,网络,信息,方案和服务。

    To help national industry associations and their member companies achieve business success in the global economy through advocacy , networking , information , programs and services .

  19. 附下述保险公司信件,确认当申请人注册为委任会员公司的行政总裁后,同意与该公司展开业务往来。

    Letters from the following insurers are attached to confirm that they agree to transact business with the member when the applicant is registered as its chief executive .

  20. 该中心为企业公众参与,是成立于年由贸易协会的生命和健康保险业,以协助会员公司在扩大它们的社会。

    The Center for Corporate Public Involvement was established in by the trade associations of the life and health insurance industry to assist member companies in expanding their social .

  21. 于是,现在要成为世界经济论坛的“战略合作伙伴”需要每年缴纳60万瑞士法郎的会费,而成为世界经济论坛的会员公司大概需要6万瑞士法郎。

    Thus , it currently costs SFr600000 a year to be a " strategic partner " of the WEF and about a tenth of that to be an affiliate .

  22. 某家联盟的顾问表示,他花了两年的时间才说服会员公司们在某机场里共用一张旅客登机柜。

    A consultant to one of the alliances says he has spent two years trying to persuade its members to agree on a joint check-in desk at one airport .

  23. 展会期间,我出席了香港美国商会会员公司与多家中国对口单位之间的几次贸易和商务会谈。

    During the Fair , Ijoined some meetings between members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and various Chinese counterpart organizations to discuss trade and business issues .

  24. 这项由Nectar会员卡公司和TalkTalk电信公司发起的调查,同时吸引了来自不同城市,甚至不同地域的参与者。

    The survey , carried out by loyalty card company Nectar and the telecommuncations firm Talk Talk . also came up with the talkers of the towns , or rather the regions .

  25. 只雇佣工会会员的公司。

    A company that hires only union members .

  26. 员工在阿什利•麦迪逊注册会员的公司似乎也更善于创新、更富创造力。

    The companies employing Ashley Madison members also appeared to be more inventive and creative .

  27. 全面结算会员期货公司不得向非结算会员收取结算担保金。

    A general settlement member futures company shall not collect the deposits for settlement from non-settlement members .

  28. 全面结算会员期货公司应当确保交易结算报告真实、准确和完整。

    A general settlement member futures company shall guarantee the authenticity , accuracy and completeness of the transaction settlement report .

  29. 还未成为上海美国商会会员的公司没有资格申请该项目。

    A company that has not been a member of AmCham Shanghai is not eligible to apply for the program .

  30. 全面结算会员期货公司可以根据非结算会员的资信及市场情况调整保证金标准。

    A general settlement member futures company may , according to the credit and market conditions of non-settlement members , adjust the deposit standard .