
  1. 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。(杜甫《望岳》)

    The time will come when I climb to its very summit ,| and see in one encompassing vision how tiny all other mountains are .

  2. 我希望到我90岁的时候,才会体会那种“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”的感觉。

    I hope that when my age is90 , I can taste the feeling : only when you stand on the top of the highest mountain , you can see others are small .

  3. 有无其实都不重要,不过你最好选个晴天吉日,攀上你所能到达的至高点,也算是“会当凌绝顶”吧。

    Does not really matter whether or not , but you 'd better choose a sunny good day , climbing to reach the highest point you can also be considered " extremely Ling will be when " it .