
The laws of a tracking and data relay satellite ( TDRS ) tracking use satellites were presented based on the orbital elements in this paper . The requirements of platform attitude and antenna operation range of a TDRS were studied .
Parameter of geostationary satellite orbit affected by perturbations
Perturbation Effect of the Electronic Induction Drag on the Orbital Elements of a Charged Satellite Moving in an Ionosphere
The perturbation effect of the earths magnetic field on the orbital elements of a charged satellite is further studied .
Firstly , the equation of relative motion based on kinematics is presented in detail , so relative motion parameters may relate directly with orbit elements .
Firstly , relative motion equations are presented in detail in terms of relative motion parameters and orbit elements , so the orbit elements of adjoint satellites can be obtained directly .
A new kinematics method based on zero inclination orbit transformation was proposed . The influence of the reference satellite inclination on surrounding satellite orbit has been analyzed by the new kinematics method .
This paper describes the procedure of the generation of the data block , and gives out the formulas of the partial derivatives of satellite azimuth A and height H to its elements M and O , they are necessary to search satellite in a small sky region .
When their orbit eccentricity or inclination are near zero , some problems may occur when the GPS Kepler orbit elements fitting method is applied to fit their broadcast ephemeris parameters .