
  1. Chan称,大多数人会将中毒性休克综合症与妇女经期使用的卫生棉条联系在一起,不过中毒性休克综合症也会侵袭男性和儿童。

    Chan said most people associate toxic shock syndrome with tampons used by menstruating women but it can affect men and children , too .

  2. 去换个新卫生棉条再来干掉她。

    Now , grab a fresh tampon and put her away .

  3. 行啊慢着,为什么你靴子里有卫生棉条?

    OK , why do you have tampons in your boot ?

  4. 即使在那时我也知道,卫生棉条是温和及温柔的情人。

    Even then I knew that tampons are gentle and tender lovers .

  5. 除非你要换卫生棉条。

    In case you need to change your tampon .

  6. 没人教我用卫生棉条。

    No one taught me how to use tampons .

  7. 你们俩有人带了卫生棉条吗

    Do either of you have a tampon ?

  8. 这是卫生棉条广告桥段。

    That 's a tampon commercial . Ooh !

  9. 卫生棉条厕纸被子亮肤乳

    Tampons toilet paper comforter body shimmer .

  10. 结论采用卫生棉条对长期卧床高龄老年患者大便失禁情况进行肛周皮肤护理,是一种理想的护理方法。

    Conclusion Tampon can effective improve the encopresis condition for long term lying elder patients .

  11. 会为了一盒卫生棉条或一匹马的感受而奋战

    Someone who fights for a box of tampons and fights for a horse 's feelings

  12. 在中国,卫生棉条少有人知

    Tampons are relatively unknown in China

  13. 关于卫生棉条的讨论也由此引爆。卫生棉条在中国并未得到广泛使用。

    It 's also sparked a discussion about tampons - which are not widely used in China .

  14. 目的探讨卫生棉条在肛门括约肌松弛导致大便失禁的长期卧床高龄老年患者护理中的应用效果。

    Objective To study the effects of using the tampon in the encopresis nursing for long term lying elder patients .

  15. 而一些提供的乌克兰产品更家常,比如猫粮,肥皂,卫生棉条等。

    Some of the Ukrainian products on offer are of the more mundane kind , like cat food , soap , and tampons .

  16. 一项业内调查显示,只有2%的中国女性使用卫生棉条,而美国女性的使用比例是42%。

    According to one industry survey , only 2 % of women in China use tampons - compared to 42 % of US women .

  17. 对我来说,只有一个真正的问题:为什么香烟和卫生棉条的广告这么象?

    But for me , there 's only one real question : Why do ads for tampons and maxi pads look so much like cigarette ads ?

  18. 美国棉花公司的调查称,许多女性不熟悉卫生棉条的使用方法,甚至从未听说过。

    Many women weren 't familiar with how to use them , or had not heard of them before , the survey by Cotton Inc said .

  19. 用药期间禁止性生活、坐浴,禁止使用其他抗菌药物及阴道用药,禁止使用卫生棉条。

    During the medication , sexual life and hip bath are prohibited . Antibacterial drugs , other vaginal drug use , and tampons are banned to use .

  20. 据报道,中国首家本土卫生棉条品牌很快就要成立,这或许能鼓励更多女性在生理期游泳。

    According to reports , China 's first domestic tampon brand may be launched soon - which may encourage more women to swim while on their periods .

  21. 方法将36例长期卧床高龄老年患者随机分为实验组和对照组各18例,实验组使用卫生棉条,对照组使用传统方法进行护理。

    Methods Divided 36 long term lying elder patients into the experimental group and the control group randomly , there were 18 cases in the each group .

  22. 在维珍公司运营的火车上,卫生间里的提示语以同样的腔调要求你别把卫生棉条、旧手机或者你的梦扔进马桶冲走。

    In the toilet of a Virgin train , an announcement in that voice asks you not to flush tampons , old phones & or your dreams .

  23. 少顷,当话题进行到要如何放入一根卫生棉条的时候,她向前靠了靠,露出了一脸的好奇——我从没跟她解释过这个问题。

    Later still , she leaned forward , intrigued , when the talk turned to how to insert a tampon ; I 'd never explained that to her .

  24. 以乌克兰国花命名的这款锦葵卫生棉条一盒有16条,但售价不到1美元,是欧洲同类产品价格的四分之一。

    A box of 16 Malva tampons , named after the national flower of Ukraine , sells for just under $ 1 , about a quarter of the price in Europe .

  25. 膝胸卧位法用于肛门括约肌松弛患者清洁灌肠目的探讨卫生棉条在肛门括约肌松弛导致大便失禁的长期卧床高龄老年患者护理中的应用效果。

    Application of cleaning enema towards patients with sphincter ari chalasia at genupectoral position Objective To study the effects of using the tampon in the encopresis nursing for long term lying elder patients .

  26. 几乎无所不在。我发现,这种让人火大的矫揉造作永远不会有所收敛。在维珍公司运营的火车上,卫生间里的提示语以同样的腔调要求你别把卫生棉条、旧手机——或者你的梦——扔进马桶冲走。你懂的。

    I have found that it never stops grating . In the toilet of a Virgin train , an announcement in that voice asks you not to flush tampons , old phones - or your dreams . You get the picture .

  27. 这可能也有文化因素的作用——一些中国女性被告知不要使用卫生棉条,因为那会破坏处女膜。而健康专家指出,两者并没有什么关系。

    And there may also be cultural factors at play too - some Chinese women have been told to avoid using tampons because it could stop them from being virgins , despite health experts pointing out that the two things are unrelated .

  28. 不要使用女性卫生喷雾或是有刺激性香味的卫生棉条。

    Do not use feminine hygiene sprays or scented deodorant tampons .

  29. 之后出现的高洁丝卫生巾的模型就是复制了二战中期出现的丹碧丝卫生棉条的产品,经过之后几十年的不断改进,女性的月经带最终演变成了如今的卫生棉条。

    The Kotex model was replicated by Tampax in the midst of World War II , and over the following decades they refined their bandages-turned-pads into the cotton tubes we now know as tampons .