
  1. Al2O3凝胶固化成型的影响因素

    Influencing Factors on Al_2O_3 Instant-Solidifying Forming Process

  2. CFRP压力容器固化成型过程中边界条件的确定

    The Determination of Boundary Condition for CFRP Pressure Vessel during Curing Process

  3. 这样,我们可以选择此阶段的PAA树脂溶液进行拉伸,继而固化成型。

    After stretching , macromolecule of PAA film can arrange down the drawing way .

  4. 利用自制的有机蒙脱土,采用浇模固化成型法制备酚醛树脂/六次甲基四胺/蒙脱土纳米复合材料,并用XRD观察有机蒙脱土分别在热塑性和热固性酚醛树脂中复合行为。

    The nanocomposite of phenolic resin / hexamethylenetetramine / montmorillonite , which was obtained by the treatment of inorganic montmorillonite , are prepared by casting and curing , and phenol resin exhibit crosslinked chains by chemical bonds forming a three dimensional network while the mechanisms of phenol resin are different .

  5. 光敏树脂在紫外光固化成型中聚合行为的研究

    Research on photopolymerisable action of photosensitive resin architecture in stereolithography process

  6. 秸秆类生物质固化成型有限元模拟

    The finite element simulation of straw and stalk biomass press briquetting

  7. 复合材料帽形结构水溶芯模共固化成型工艺研究

    Co-curing Technology Using Water Dispersible Core for the Hollow-Structure Composite Parts

  8. 酚醛树脂注塑固化成型及流动特性的研究

    Study on Curing Features and Flowability of Phenolic Resin for Injection Molding

  9. 影响秸秆固化成型燃料点火过程的因素分析

    Analysis on the factors impacting ignition process of densified straw briquette fuel

  10. 生物质燃料平模固化成型机压辊特性分析

    Characteristics Analysis for Roller of Biofuel Flat Mould Forming Machine

  11. 蜂窝状生物质燃料固化成型有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Honeycomb Biomass Fuel Press Briquetting

  12. 复合材料叠层板固化成型后的变形分析计算

    Composite Laminates Deformation Analysis and Calculation After Curing

  13. 光固化成型中液位控制系统的研究

    Research on resin level control in stereolithography apparatus

  14. 先进陶瓷材料原位固化成型技术

    In - situ forming technique of advanced ceramics

  15. 基于光固化成型的功能零件无模具快速精密铸造工艺

    Precision Casting of Functional Metallic Part by Stereolithography

  16. 光固化成型中的变形分析

    Anal ysis of Cure Deformation in Stereolithography

  17. 本品为玻璃棉施加粘合剂,加温固化成型的毡状材料。

    This product is glass cotton exert adhesive , heating curing the carpet shaped materials .

  18. 与常用的光固化成型设备比较,本设备不仅可控性能好,而且研发成本低。

    Compared with the traditional stereolithography equipment , our equipment has better controllability and costs less .

  19. 树脂基复合材料的热固化成型是一个力、热与化学反应相互耦合的过程。

    The curing process of thermosetting resin matrix composite materials involves complex mechanical , thermal and chemical reactions .

  20. 坐垫和背垫海绵均采用冷固化成型技术制造。

    The sponge in the cushion and the backrest are both manufactured by employing freeze foaming and forming techniques .

  21. 但由于其编织工艺和固化成型工艺比较复杂,人们对它的认识还远远不够。

    However , due to their complicated braiding and cure processes , knowledge about them is far from enough .

  22. 对纤维浸渍过程、板材的固化成型过程进行模型分析及数值模拟;

    The fiber impregnation process was analyzed with the help of model and the shaping process was numerically simulated .

  23. 利用在纤维束缠绕时施加张紧力,使得固化成型后的飞轮内部形成一定的预加径向压应力,这是提高飞轮径向强度的有效方法之一。

    The method of tension winding about fiber bundle is an effect way to improve the radial strength of flywheel .

  24. 利用生物质成型机对秸秆进行固化成型发展的相当迅速。

    The development of carrying on the solidification using the biomass briquetting machine to take shape the straw is quite rapid .

  25. 本文通过实验分析发现,导致两种复合材料层间脱粘的主要原因为高硅氧玻璃布/酚醛树脂缠绕层固化成型时的残余应力及中间层的影响。

    Results of experiments show that residual stress and influence of buffer layer are the main factors resulting in this problem .

  26. 本文以粉煤灰,外加铝源(氧化铝、氢氧化铝)为主要原料,运用淀粉原位固化成型技术高温烧结制备了多孔莫来石陶瓷。

    Porous mullite ceramics were fabricated with flyash , aluminium source ( alumina and aluminium hydroxide ) as starting materials through starch consolidation method .

  27. 纤维束张紧力缠绕的复合材料厚环固化成型以后,再抽出缠绕芯轴形成空心环,这一过程称为内孔卸载。

    After the consolidation of the composite ring in tension winding , the mandrel is drawn out , and then a hollow ring is formed .

  28. 本文介绍了聚酯型人造大理石用新树脂、新填料及新的固化成型工艺。

    The researches on the new resins , new fillers and new technology of curingand shaping for unsaturated polyester-based artificial marble were reviewed with 11 references .

  29. 提出应用有效温差并结合线膨胀系数对带有铝板复合材料层板固化成型过程中残余应力形成进行理论分析,其中残余应力主要考虑温度产生的。

    Effective temperature difference and liner expansion coefficient were employed to theoretically explain the development of residual stress caused by temperature of the laminate during curing process .

  30. 中国的生物质废弃物利用技术起步较晚,但也取得了一些比较突出的科研成果,主要有沼气技术、生物质固化成型技术、生物质气化技术、生物柴油技术等。

    In this paper , outstanding achievements in scientific research are introduced , which include techniques of sludge gas , biomass solid shaping and gasification , biodiesel oil and so on .