
  • 网络Gu'an County;Gu'an Grafschaft;Gu'an Condado;Gu'an Comt
  1. 河北省固安县梨黑星病发病规律及其防治

    Research on the Incidental Pattern of Pear Scab and Its Prevention and Cure in Gu'an County , Hebei Province

  2. 固安县献血(浆)者HCV和HBV感染的血清学追踪观察

    Serologic Follow-up Survey of Hepatitis C Virus and Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Plasmapheresis Donors in Guan County A Textual Research on the Position of He Guan County of the Han Dynasty

  3. 目的汇总1991&1999年河北省饮水型地方性氟中毒(以下简称地氟病)重病区全国监测点廊坊固安县的监测结果,用于指导全省地氟病的防治。

    Objective Collect the results of national endemic fluorosis surveillance in Hebei province in order to direct the prevention of endemic fluorosis in Hebei province .