
  • 网络fixed services;FSS;ITFS
  1. GB/T15937-1995VHF/UHF频段广播业务与移动和固定业务频率共用技术规定

    The technical regulations for frequency sharing between the broadcasting service and the mobile and fixed services in the VHF / UHF bands

  2. 目前,可以说,联通固定业务的存在本身就是对其业务结构的一种“优化”。

    From the roll-out of " Uni-Business ", the Unicom'sBusiness brand of Data and fixed services , the industry is witnessing the pace of transformation for the enterprise .

  3. 目前枣庄联通已经成为移动+固定业务的综合运营商,WCDMA技术在联通公司的应用,更是给联通提供了光明的前景。

    At present ZaoZhuang unicom has become mobile + fixed business operators , comprehensive WCDMA technology by China unicom in application , but also to provide a bright future for the China unicom .

  4. SS/CDMA系统能为多波束对地静止卫星的固定业务提供多址和交换功能,该系统上行接入采用CDMA,下行采用码分复用,星上交换采用码分交换,整个系统采取按需分配控制。

    An SS / CDMA system can provide both multiple access and switching to a multibeam geostationary fixed satellite service . The uplink access method is based on CDMA , the downlink on code division multiplexing ( CDM ), and the onboard switching on code division switching ( CDS ) .

  5. 卫星移动业务对固定业务的干扰分析研究

    Analysis and Investigation of the Interference from the Mobile Satellite Service to the Fixed Service

  6. 如果澳门要真正地开展固定业务,则需要更广范围的直达国际航班。

    If Macau wants serious convention business , it will need a far wider range of direct international flights .

  7. 为了提高卫星固定业务上行频段的频谱利用效率,提出了一种无授权接入该频段的方案。

    In order to improve the spectrum usage of the up-band of fixed satellite service ( FSS ), an unlicensed access scheme is presented .

  8. 传统语音、数据业务,无论是固定业务还是移动业务,随着近几年的高速发展,整体市场空间逐渐趋于饱和。

    Traditional voice and data services , whether fixed or mobile services business , with the rapid development in recent years , the overall market space is gradually saturated .

  9. UMA为固定移动业务融合加速

    UMA Accelerates Fixed and Mobile Sevices Combine

  10. 这两家大陆运营商去年的通话收入有所下降,它们相信,3g牌照可在其日趋衰落的固定电话业务基础上增加手机服务,将成为它们恢复赢利能力的一个重要机遇。

    The two networks saw their voice revenue drop last year , and believe the 3G licences could offer an important opportunity for them to regain profitability by adding mobile services to their eroding fixed-line business .

  11. 不久,BZW进行了精简,仅保留其核心的固定收益业务,并改名为巴克莱资本。

    Soon after , BZW was slimmed down to its core fixed-income operations , and renamed Barclays Capital .

  12. 随着电信行业重组方案敲定,三家电信运营商均获得了全业务运营资质,包含了固定电信业务、移动电信业务、固定和移动互联网业务、ICT业务、媒体服务及广告业务等多种业务。

    As the telecommunications industry to finalize the restructuring plan , the three telecom operators have received a full-service qualifications , including the fixed telecommunication services , mobile telecommunication services , fixed and mobile Internet services , ICT services , media services and advertising business .

  13. TCW固定收益业务首席投资官塔德·里韦尔(TadRevelle)表示,如果量化宽松未能推动美国经济进入持续复苏轨道,那么此次美元反弹可能后继乏力。

    Tad Rivelle , chief investment officer of fixed income at TCW , says the dollar bounce is likely to fade as QE fails to deliver a sustained US recovery .

  14. 汇丰(hsbc)全球资产管理部固定收益业务主管兼高级产品专家杰弗里兰特(geoffreylunt)表示,rqfii虽然还没有得到广泛的欢迎,但这是朝着扩宽投资中国债券市场渠道迈出的又一步。

    Geoffrey lunt , director and senior product specialist for fixed income at HSBC Global Asset Management , says that while rqfii has not been widely popular it is just another step in broadening access to the Chinese bond markets .

  15. 新准则中固定资产业务处理有关问题探讨

    Discussion on Fixed Assets Business Based on New Accounting Standards

  16. 他补充道,固定收益业务裁员最厉害。

    The cuts have been heaviest in fixed income , he added .

  17. 针对固定速率业务,分析了两种自适应调制和功率分配算法。

    For the fixed rated service , we studied two kinds of adaptive allocating algorithms .

  18. 去年,瑞银表示将裁员1万人,并缩减固定收益业务规模。

    Last year it said it would cut 10,000 jobs and wind down its fixed-income business .

  19. 多数投行已经缩减了固定收益业务的规模,这些业务受信贷紧缩冲击最为直接。

    Most banks have already scaled back the fixed-income businesses most directly affected by the credit crunch .

  20. 通过对网络规划中固定电话业务预测方法及过程的介绍,探讨在预测过程中需要注意的一些关键问题。

    Fixed service prediction methods and courses in network planning are presented , issues need attention are discussed .

  21. 固定电话业务自1900年引入我国,曾缔造了一个又一个辉煌时代。

    Since Fixed Telephone Service was introduced to China in 1900 , it has created much glorious era .

  22. 对于后者,本文从固定速率业务和变速率业务两方面进行研究。

    For the later , in this paper we study in the services of fixed rated and variable rated .

  23. 该银行股票及其它业务的强劲表现,也抵消了固定收益业务业绩大幅滑坡的影响。

    The bank also offset a sharp drop in fixed-income results with strong performances from equities and other businesses .

  24. 其中,数据固定网业务从1999年开始发展,国内和国际业务同时起步。

    Among them , the data fixed network operation began to develop in1999 simultaneously in China and around the world .

  25. 该结论可以广泛用于评估各种传统固定速率业务接入因特网时的排队时延。

    The conclusions in this paper can be used to evaluate the queuing delay for various fixed-rate services transported on Internet .

  26. 罗杰斯表示,固定收入业务特别是定量固定收入业务,是他预期公司将实现增长的一个领域。

    He says fixed income is one field where he expects the company to grow , especially in quantitative fixed income .

  27. 加强宽带网络建设,可以有效支撑第三代移动通信技术移动宽带和固定宽带业务的发展。

    To strengthen the broadband network construction will support the development of 3G mobile broadband and the fixed broadband business effectively .

  28. 目前移动电话业务无论在用户数量上还是在通话量上都超过了固定电话业务的增长。

    Mobile phone business surpasses the increase of the hand-free telephone business both in the user 's number and in call minutes .

  29. 随着固定电话业务的日益萎缩,宽带业务逐渐成为各电信运营企业发展的重点业务。

    Along with the fixed telephone business dwindling , broadband business gradually become the key one which every telecommunication enterprise focuses on .

  30. 新的计费帐务系统采用最新的三层结构实现,将表现逻辑、业务逻辑、数据操作相分离,系统的表现逻辑相对固定,业务逻辑配置灵活;

    The new system uses the newest three layers structure , separating the performance logic , the service logic and the data manipulation .