
wèi yù
  • bathroom;washroom
  1. 我们优质的产品和完善的服务,备受国内外客商和用户赞誉,并逐渐成为全球各大卫浴集团最佳OEM伙伴之一。

    We gain excellent reputation for superior quality and perfect service from customers from home and abroad and become one of the worlds major OEM partners for famous bathroom companies .

  2. 公司生产的“CONT”品牌酒店电器系列产品,填补了多项酒店卫浴清洁电器市场的空白,在市场上赢得了广泛的赞誉。

    The hotel electrical products with the brand of " CONT ", filling a number of gaps in the hotel bathroom cleaning market , has won wide praise .

  3. 产物富厚的表现力、实用的功能、独特的设计,也使他们成为卫浴的高端产物

    And its expressivity and practicality make it unique and profession in sanitaryware field .

  4. 贝恩资本最终以17.5亿美元收购了美标卫浴及厨具业务部门,并将后者的亚洲和欧洲业务重新冠名为IdealStandard。

    Bain won the overall deal for $ 1.75 billion , and would rename the Asia and European business ideal standard .

  5. 香水、护肤品、MP3、手表、时装包、卫浴产品等

    Perfume , skin care products , MP3 , watches , fashion bags , sanitary products

  6. 90%以上的ABS塑料电镀件都是用于卫浴或汽车工业,并且分别有各自的要求。

    More than 90 % of plated ABS-based material is used either in the sanitary industry or in the automotive industry .

  7. 淋浴隔间的喷头最多只能说水压适中,不过奢侈品牌RedFlower的卫浴用品弥补了这一点。

    The shower stall had a rain-shower head , and though the water pressure was moderate at best , the toiletries from the luxe brand Red Flower made up for it .

  8. 房间根据不同季节分别饰以天鹅绒、丝绸、皮革和羊绒,同时配有大型的浴盆、欧舒丹卫浴设备、热毛巾和内建的LCD电视等。

    Velvet , silk , leather and cashmere season the rooms alongside massive tubs , L'Occitane toiletries , heated towels and a built-in LCD TV .

  9. 难怪日本TotoLtd.公司制造卫浴设施的天才们能凭借设计出功能最全的洗手间而获得吉尼斯世界纪录(GuinnessWorldRecord)。

    It 's no surprise the Japanese toilet-making wizards at Toto Ltd. hold the Guinness World Record for creating the toilet with the most functions .

  10. 本公司是专业生产SPA,按摩缸,沐浴房等卫浴配件的厂家。

    This company is specialized production SPA , massages the cylinder , showers health bath fitting and so on room factories .

  11. 论文研究对象SL公司是一家民营中小型卫浴产品制造企业。

    The company studied in this thesis - SL company is a private small to medium sized sanitary and bathing products manufacturing company .

  12. 伊奈甚至计划邀请日本歌手兼作曲家KanaUemura为世博游客表演她的民谣卫浴之王(TheToiletGod)。

    The company even plans to fly in Japanese singer-songwriter Kana Uemura to treat Expo audiences to her ballad , The Toilet God .

  13. OVE装饰是一家专攻浴室设备的加拿大公司,在美国和加拿大出售卫浴、沭浴房和桑拿房。

    OVE Decors is a large Canadian company specializing in the bathroom equipment and selling bathroom vanities , showers , shower columns , baths and saunas throughout the USA and Canada .

  14. 从外面看上去,这像是场艺术展,但实际上它是西班牙卫浴品牌乐家(Roca)为上海市民带来的一场卫浴展。

    From the outside it looks like an art gallery . But this is a gallery of toilets , brought to the residents of Shanghai by Roca , the Spanish bathroom people .

  15. 这家高级浴室和厨房用品生产商周一宣布,准备发出要约,收购中国卫浴产品领军企业中宇卫浴(Joyou)的全部流通股。

    The maker of premium bathroom and kitchen fittings announced on Monday that it would launch a tender offer for all outstanding shares of rival Joyou , leader by sales in its home market of China .

  16. 木地板及各种门类产品,专业生产销售Jasoo牌系列水龙头及卫浴五金,款式新颖,色彩丰富,欢迎各界人仕光临选购。

    Wood and various categories of products , professional production and sales JASOO brand series faucets and sanitary hardware , novel style , color is rich , welcome to visit and persons .

  17. 涂层及颜色对卫浴散热器的散热量影响的研究

    Effect of Coat and Its Color on Heat Dissipating of Radiator

  18. 禅之韵&试谈卫浴空间的意境营造

    Rhyme of Zen , On the Artistic Conception of Bathroom Space

  19. 卫浴水龙头设计的形体结构形式及情感表达

    Physical structure and emotional expression on the design of bathroom faucets

  20. 主卧室的专用卫浴间在下一节里详述。

    Private master bedroom bathroom in the next section in detail .

  21. 生产各种适应于不同层次需要的不锈钢卫浴产品。

    In order to produce stainlessness sanitary ware for different levels'needs .

  22. 江南地区卫浴设计系统研究

    Systematic Study on Bathroom Design in the Area of Southern Yangtse River

  23. 我们应该强调卫浴设备,别提闹鬼的事。

    We should play up the toilet angle and leave out ghosts .

  24. 显个性与尊贵,打造奢华超凡的卫浴生活。

    Highlight individuality and dignity , to create extraordinary bathroom luxury living .

  25. 卫浴加工工人矽肺2例报告

    The Report of two Cases Silicosis from Manufacturing Bathroom things

  26. 有卫浴、隔断、平台等丰富的任选部件。

    Bathroom , partition , wide choice of platform components .

  27. 基于用户情感需求的卫浴产品设计研究

    The Research of Sanitary Ware Design Based on User 's Emotion Need

  28. 现代家居设计中的卫浴空间

    On the bath space in the design of modern residences

  29. 传统的卫浴洗手盆,习惯嵌入台面下。

    The traditional lavabo that defend bath , the habit embeds mesa falls .

  30. 四维,专业卫浴的制造与提供。

    Four-dimensional , professional manufacture and provision of sanitary .