
miàn zhǐ
  • facial tissue
面纸[miàn zhǐ]
  1. 对于外表平整的纸盒,你可以小心地打开底部,然后放入一卷卫生纸并将尾部伸出,这样就做成了具有一定价值的面纸。

    With square facial-tissue boxes , you can carefully open the bottom and put a roll of bathroom tissue in them , with the tail sticking out , and use it as facial tissue for a fraction of the cost .

  2. 他告诉我们写字不要超过三面纸。

    He told us not to write more than three sides .

  3. 模特们吃面纸或棉球来抵挡饥饿,模特们因饥饿引起的心脏病发作,仅在他们离开T台后的几秒钟。

    Models eating tissues or cotton balls to hold off hunger , and models collapsing from hunger-induced heart attacks just seconds after they step off the runway .

  4. 光面纸常用作海报,包装纸等。

    MG paper is often used for posters , wrappings , etc.

  5. 普通挂面纸厂在设计生产中注意的问题

    Some Aspects in Design of Common Liner Board Mill and its Production

  6. 当我们写东东时,能两面纸全部写。

    We can use both sides of the paper when we write .

  7. 我需要一张面纸来擤鼻涕。

    I need a tissue to blow my nose .

  8. 书本式面纸包,属于人们日常生活用品领域。

    A book-type tissue bag belongs to the field of articles for daily use .

  9. 瑞秋,结局好不好?我们需不需要面纸?

    Rachel , does this end well or do we need to get tissues ?

  10. 给我一张面纸好吗?

    Can I have a tissue , please ?

  11. 吸油面纸有哪些种类?

    Paper of oil absorption face what kind ?

  12. 拿了些婴儿食品和婴儿面纸。

    Got some baby grub , baby wipes .

  13. 他从后座的面纸盒里拿了几张面纸给我。

    He gives me some tissues from a box in the back of the car .

  14. 如此等等,整整三面纸,最后一题是:

    On and on it went , over three sides of paper , right down to :

  15. 请拿一些面纸。

    Please get some tissue .

  16. 不要用面纸、镜片纸、布等擦拭喷嘴表面。

    Do not use glossy paper , lens paper , cloth , etc. clean the nozzle surface ?

  17. 贴上线条正稿的盖面纸。制作正稿时,预先把线条和半色调分开的方法。

    In PREparing artwork for reproduction , the overlay which carries line work to PRE-separate line from half-tone .

  18. 携带一个装有遮瑕膏、粉饼、口红或透明唇膏、唇笔和面纸的补妆包。

    Carry a touch-up kit with concealer , pressed powder , lipstick or gloss , lip liner and tissues .

  19. 挂面纸/纸板:加于纸张或纸板面上的纸或纸板,以增加强度和厚度,或作修饰。

    Liner paper / board : Paper or board used to cover another paper or board for extra strength , thickness or finish .

  20. 透明纸胶带有什么不行?半透明纸:结实而半透明的纸。作保护用的包装纸或作正稿的盖面纸。

    What 's the objection to Scotch tape ? Glassine : Tough but partially transparent paper used for protective wrapping and for overlays on artwork .

  21. 使用:婴幼儿饮食或吸奶后,可喷在面纸上,再擦拭小手及嘴巴,保持洁净。

    Use : infant food or infant formula , the paper can be sprayed in the face , then wiping hands and mouth to keep clean .

  22. 基于磁场与摩擦学蜂窝芯材料固持原理,提出复杂型面纸基蜂窝零件固持平台的模块化设计思想。

    Based on magnetic field and frictional-clamping principle , a new modularization design concept is presented for the fixation system of paper honeycomb parts with complex shapes .

  23. 事实上,当你有时计算一下的话,你会发现那个免费的茶包已经包含在面纸的标价中了。

    In fact , sometimes when you calculate , you may discover that the free tea leaves sachets are included in the cost of the tissue roll .

  24. 根据实际用量和储存量,每周楼层主管负责领用厕纸和面纸;

    Weekly requisitions for toilet paper and tissues are to be made by the Floor Supervisor and are to be based on the floor par stock and actual count .

  25. 偷了头30件外套后,他开始纪录偷每件外套的时间和地点,及自己在偷来的衣服口袋里发现的物件,有面纸,也有小刀。

    After the first 30 coats or so , he began documenting the date and places of the crimes as well as pocket contents which ranged from tissues to knives .

  26. 亦有一些是把两种胶囊混合,涂于同一纸面上。这样,普通的高级打字纸或书写纸也可以用作面纸。

    Types are also available in which the two capsules are found in one sheet so that they can be used with normal Bank and Bond papers as top sheets .

  27. 毛布面:造纸机上成形的纸张的正面。半透明纸:结实而半透明的纸。作保护用的包装纸或作正稿的盖面纸。

    Felt side : Top side of paper formed on a paper-making machine . Glassine : Tough but partially transparent paper used for protective wrapping and for overlays on artwork .

  28. 取适量于手心柔搓出泡沫后,温和的于脸上轻轻按摩,再以温冷水充分洗净,并以毛巾或面纸吸乾。

    Application : Take proper amount on your hands and rub until foaming . Massage your face . Rinse with cool or lukewarm water and softly dry your face by towel .

  29. 品名:保健洁肤露使用:使用于脸部、手部、腋下及身体各部位的清洁,喷洗后,以面纸拭乾即可;

    Name : Health cleansers to use : Use on face , hands , armpits and other body parts for cleaning , spray washed , wipe them with tissue paper can be ;

  30. 超市常常会搞这样的促销活动:买一卷面纸,就能获赠一小茶包。价钱呢,正好避免了可能阻止你冲动消费的欲望。

    Supermarkets have promotions like " Buy one roll of tissue and get a free sachet of tea leaves ", to avoid temptation carry just enough cash to constrain you from overspending .