
miàn bāo diàn
  • bakery;bake house
  1. 住在面包店附近的人都很熟悉这种气味。

    The smell is very familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery .

  2. 他的师傅西尔万·贝利把这些常常有4英尺高的华丽作品展示在他的面包店的橱窗里。

    Sylvain Bailly , his master , displayed these luxuriant creations — often as large as 4 feet tall — in his bakery windows .

  3. 我正要去面包店。

    I 'm just going to the baker 's.

  4. 源自旧时面包店老板的习惯,即给所订购的一打面包搭送一条面包。

    This phrase comes from bakers ' old custom of adding one extra loaf to an order of a dozen .

  5. 到1814年时,人们会挤在面包店外争着瞧一眼在里面上班的一位年轻厨师创作的最新甜食。

    By 1814 , people crowded outside the bakery , straining for a glimpse of the latest sweet food created by the young chef who worked inside .

  6. 到了15岁时,他已经成为西尔万·贝利的学徒了。西尔万·贝利是巴黎最时尚的街区之一的一家很成功的面包店的著名甜点师。

    By age 15 , he had become an apprentice to Sylvain Bailly , a well-known dessert chef with a successful bakery in one of Paris 's most fashionable neighborhoods .

  7. 在这家小面包店的后厨,他结合设计的兴趣和烘焙的天赋创造出了奇迹——他用面粉、黄油和糖塑造出了美味的杰作。

    In the back room of the little bakery , his interest in design and his baking talent combined to work wonders — he shaped delicious masterpieces out of flour , butter and sugar .

  8. 巴黎繁华的街道凹凸不平而又泥泞不堪,然而和平街面包店的橱窗内总会上演令人惊叹的一幕。

    The busy streets in Paris were uneven and caked in thick mud , but there was always a breathtaking sight to see in the shop windows of Patisserie de la Rue de la Paix .

  9. 本月晚些时候,HBO将会给三对举行维斯特洛主题婚礼的新人送上特别的庆典惊喜礼物,包括权游主题的桶装葡萄酒、定制酒杯,以及和本地面包店合作设计的精美蛋糕。

    Later in the month , HBO will surprise three couples who held Westeros-themed weddings with special anniversary gifts , including Thrones-themed barrels of wine , custom chalices with local bakeries .

  10. yorkshireforward在那里开了家面包店,福斯特同意让处于监外执行期的犯人和那些即将出狱的犯人为他工作。

    Yorkshire Forward built a bakery there and Mr foster agreed to take serving prisoners on day release , and those leaving prison , to work for him .

  11. 随着香味走就会把你带到那面包店的门口了。”“Followyournose”在这句句子里着重的是嗅觉,而不是方向。

    Just walk two blocks north , turn left , and you can smell that wonderful smell of fresh bread baking : just follow your nose and it will bring you right to the front door .

  12. 一架停在地面上的A320客机,最近被改造成了素食主义餐厅、面包店和咖啡厅。

    A grounded Airbus A320 , has recently been converted into a vegetarian restaurant , bakery and caf é .

  13. 卡梅伦等待了10分钟还没买到咖啡,于是卡梅伦的助手赶紧到隔壁Warrens面包店买了一个果酱甜甜圈和一杯热茶拿给饥肠辘辘的首相。

    After a ten-minute wait , Mr Cameron 's aides popped to Warrens bakery next door to buy the peckish premier a jam doughnut and a cup of tea .

  14. 这些面包店的共同点是周边环境很单调。

    What these companies also have in common are unglamorous surroundings .

  15. 还有面包店的送地中海式的早餐。

    And a bakery brings the bread for the continental breakfast .

  16. 她在一家面包店的楼上租了一个房间。

    She 's rented a room above a baker 's shop .

  17. 我会在面包店的隔壁等你。

    I am waiting for you next to the bakery store .

  18. 特地在附近找了间家族经营的意大利面包店

    so I found us a family-owned Italian bakery in Brooklyn .

  19. 面包店主人说相片上的人就是她。

    The bakery owner said it was her in the photo .

  20. 面包店的顾客正在学习如何制作月饼。

    Customers at this bakery are learning how to make mooncakes .

  21. 你可以步行去面包店买油炸圈饼!

    You can walk to the bakery to buy donuts !

  22. 埃玛最终在一家面包店找到了一份星期六的工作。

    Emma finally found a Saturday job in a bakery .

  23. 我们通常在面包店买放了一天的面包。

    We usually got our bread from the day-old bakery .

  24. 我母亲玛丽打理家务和面包店。

    My mother Marie kept the house and the shop .

  25. 昨天我在面包店买了两块面包。

    I bought two pieces of bread at the baker 's yesterday .

  26. 当地的面包店会让你的预算可控又大饱口福。

    Local padarias keep your budget under control and the palate delighted .

  27. 以孤独的表情,看着大街对面的面包店。

    Still looking at the bakery with a forlorn expression .

  28. 你是说你在找那个法国面包店吗?

    You say you are looking for the French bakery ?

  29. 我去绿点区一家便宜面包店用品店

    I went to a cheap bakery supply store in Greenpoint

  30. 他们走着去面包店买一些面包。

    They walk to the bakery to buy some bread .