
  • 网络Facial flushing;Hot Flush;Rosacea;Hot Blashes
  1. 可能的副作用除了恶心,呕吐和腹泻外,还包括面部潮红,热潮红。

    Possible side effects include flushing , hot flashes , as well as nausea , vomiting and diarrhea .

  2. 不良反应主要为头晕、面部潮红和下肢轻度肿胀,发生率11.7%(7/60),均可耐受;3灶周水肿较轻;

    The side effects were mainly dizziness , red-face and slight edema of lower limbs with 11.7 % and those were endurance .

  3. 不当使用伐地那非会导致头痛、面部潮红、消化不良、视力模糊和肌肉酸痛等副作用。

    First , vardenafil has a series of adverse effects such as headache , facial flushing , dyspepsia , visual disturbances and muscle aches .

  4. 不良反应发生率分别为12.31%和13.11%(P>0.05),主要表现为程度较轻的头痛、头晕、面部潮红等。

    The adverse event rate was 12.31 % in amlodipine maleate and 13.11 % in amlodipine benzene sulfonate ( P > 0.05 ), manifested as headache , dizziness , and palpitation , Most of them were mild .