
miàn bāo juǎn
  • Bread roll;Swiss roll
  1. 汤姆:我要柠檬红茶加糖和一个面包卷。

    Tom : I will have black tea with lemon and sugar and a piece of Swiss roll .

  2. 我要一杯咖啡和一份奶油面包卷。

    I 'll have coffee and a brioche .

  3. 侍者用一把银钳从篮子里夹起面包卷。

    The waiter lifted rolls from a basket with a pair of silver tongs .

  4. 男孩正在吃一个面包卷,并将面包卷戳向出纳员,出纳员笑着摇了摇头。

    The boy was eating a roll , which he thrust at the teller . The teller smiled and shook his head .

  5. 贝蒂:汉堡,有奶酪夹着的面包卷。

    Betty : Hamburgers , with cheese in a bread roll .

  6. 微甜的酵母发酵的面包卷,常夹水果或干酪。

    Light sweet yeast-raised roll usually filled with fruits or cheese .

  7. 请给我两打洋葱面包卷。

    I 'd like two dozen onion bagels , please .

  8. 把面包卷热一下;使房子暖起来。

    Warmed the rolls a bit more ; warm up the house .

  9. 他象个魔术师似的把三个面包卷在手里耍了一阵。

    He juggled the three big rolls of bread like a magician .

  10. 如果面包卷再油一点就好吃了。

    The rolls were nice , if a little greasy .

  11. 到底是脆饼,还是面包卷?

    Is it a pretzel ? Is it a roll ?

  12. 这家餐厅提供正餐时加有一个面包卷。

    The restaurant served a roll with the meal .

  13. 汉堡,面包卷里加上奶酪。

    Hamburgers , with cheese in a bread roll .

  14. 我们早餐吃了甜面包卷和牛奶。

    We had sweet rolls and milk for breakfast .

  15. 面包师递给他三个大面包卷。

    The baker handed him three big rolls .

  16. 只不过是两个爱吃热面包卷的人。

    Just two people that like warm rolls .

  17. 酵母发酵的、圆环形的、表面光滑的、有硬皮的面包卷。

    Glazed yeast-raised doughnut-shaped roll with hard crust .

  18. 孩子们正在偷窃一盘盘的面包卷。

    Kids were ripping off trays of rolls .

  19. 欧洲大陆式早餐:通常包括咖啡或茶以及一个面包卷的早餐。

    Continental breakfast : Breakfast consisting usually of coffee or tea and a roll .

  20. 可以的话,我想要个龙虾沙拉面包卷。

    I 'll have a lobster salad roll , if that 's all right .

  21. 你摆桌子时,别忘了放面包卷的盘子。

    When you set the table , don 't forget side plates for the rolls .

  22. 风车形状的面包卷,撒上桂皮和糖,烘焙前夹上果酱。

    Pinwheel-shaped rolls spread with cinnamon and sugar and filled with e.g. jam before baking .

  23. 酵母发酵的硬皮面包卷。

    Yeast-raised roll with a hard crust .

  24. 再来点面包卷怎么样?

    How about a few more rolls ?

  25. 他们以为我会吃法式面包卷。

    They expected me to eat rolls .

  26. 她做了那些你喜欢的面包卷。

    She made those rolls you like .

  27. 非常精致的新月形薄面包卷。

    Very rich flaky crescent-shaped roll .

  28. 我热的两个面包卷。你的鸡蛋在平煎锅里。

    I warmed a couple of snails , and your eggs are in the frying pan .

  29. 就好像得到暗示一样,那个女招待带着我们的饮料和一篮烘焙面包卷出现了。

    Right on cue , the waitress appeared with our drinks and a basket of breadsticks .

  30. 用洋葱调味的酵母发酵的面包卷。

    Yeast-raised roll flavored with onion .