
miàn sè cānɡ bái
  • look pale
  1. 布莱恩:史蒂夫,你面色苍白呀。怎么了?

    Brian : Steve , you look pale . What happened ?

  2. 她怎么看起来面色苍白呢?

    Why does she look pale ?

  3. 她面色苍白,显得虚弱。

    Her cheeks had an unhealthy pallor .

  4. 她面色苍白,病恹恹的。

    She looked pale and sickly .

  5. 他面色苍白,胡子也没刮。

    He looked pale and unshaven .

  6. 她面色苍白、忧郁孤僻,并且沉默寡言。

    She was morose , pale , and reticent .

  7. 凯特看上去仍旧面色苍白、营养不良。

    Kate still looks pale and underfed .

  8. 由于患了流感,他仍然面色苍白。

    He was still looking grey due to the influenza .

  9. 40~80μg有7例产生副作用,出现呼吸减慢(11次/min)、头晕、恶心、呕吐,其中1例还出现面色苍白、出汗、血压下降。

    Side effects such as lowered respiratory rate ( 11 / min ), dizziness , nausea , vomiting were found in 7 patients and one of them had paleness , sweat and hypotension .

  10. 泳池边上,剃光了头、肌肉发达、刺着纹身的法国外籍军团(ForeignLegionnaires)正在来来回回地游泳,晒黑了的法国大使夫人和一个美国传教士家庭几个面色苍白的女儿看着他们。

    Down by the pool , Foreign Legionnaires with shaven heads and muscular , tattooed torsos are swimming laps watched by tanned French embassy wives and the pale daughters of an American missionary family .

  11. 结果新生儿PNH临床表现为新生儿期黄疸持续不退、面色苍白、进行性贫血,典型的酱油色样尿不易发现。

    Results The clinical situation of neonate PNH included jaundice in neonatal period , pallor anemia . But the typical soy urine was hard to detect .

  12. 今年秋季,迪士尼的白雪公主出现在红·华伦天奴(REDValentino)的连衣裙上(右),也出现在爱丽丝+奥利维亚(AliceandOlivia)的秀台上,一位模特扮演水晶棺中面色苍白的美人(左)。

    For fall , Disney 's Snow White appeared on dresses at REDValentino ( right ) and at Alice and Olivia , where a model played the pale beauty in a crystal casket ( left ) .

  13. 起病急、进展快、起病初期以心外症状为主,表现为面色苍白、多汗、乏力、腹痛、抽搐等,起病24-48h内出现严重心律失常和心功能不全;

    Most patients presented with extra-cardiac symptoms such as pale , hyperidrosis , asthenia , abdominal pain and convulsion during early stage , and within 24-48 hours severe arrhythmia and heart dysfunction occurred .

  14. 还发现偏头痛患者伴随面色苍白者,其血浆ET1含量显著高于不伴苍白者,本文对偏头痛的发病机理、血浆及CSFET1含量增高的原因及其临床意义进行了讨论。

    The plasma ET1 concentration in patients with facial pallor was significantly higher than that in patients without facial pallor . The pathogenesis of migraine , the cause and clinical implications of the increase of ET1 are discussed .

  15. 那位女士显得面色苍白,她的手还在发抖。

    The lady looked very white and her hands were shaking .

  16. 他虽然面色苍白,但好像没病。

    He appears pale but he seems not to be sick .

  17. 因为没敷一点脂粉,她看上去面色苍白。

    She seemed pale from the absence of all cosmetics .

  18. 躺在病床上,面色苍白你进医院时面色苍白。

    You looked as pale as death when you went into hospital .

  19. 591.面色苍白的推销员大规模批发比例尺(天平,鱼鳞)。

    591 . The pale salesman wholesales scales on a large scale .

  20. 他面色苍白,大汗淋漓并有些恶心。

    He was pale , perspiring heavily , and nauseated .

  21. 小露西·玛丽安面色苍白,神情紧张,怕羞。

    Little Lucy Mariam was pale , nervous and shy .

  22. 过敏反应的主要症状为头晕、恶心、面色苍白;

    The main symptoms of anaphylaxis were dizzy , nausea and pale .

  23. 他面色苍白,衣服也搞得不成样子。

    He looked pale and his clothes were in a fightful state .

  24. 她面色苍白,我们以为她病了。

    She was so colorless we thought she was ill .

  25. 他面色苍白,可是双眼闪闪发光。

    He was pale , but his eyes were bright .

  26. 迪克面色苍白,傻里傻气地向着那个方向注视。

    Dick looked rather pale and foolish when he glanced at the direction .

  27. 他看上去仍然面色苍白,疲惫不堪。

    He was still looking gray and very tired .

  28. 奥托看上去仍然面色苍白,十分疲惫。

    Otto was still looking grey and very tired .

  29. 那女病人面色苍白。

    The sick woman 's face was ghastly .

  30. 一个冷冰冰的,面色苍白的修女匆匆走过。

    A cold , pale nun hurried by .