
  • 网络Chinese Culture Center;chinese cultural center;China Culture Center;Chinese Cultural Centre;chinese civilisation centre
  1. 他们最好的体现了中国文化中心在推动中国文化在毛里求斯本地化方面所做的努力。

    They best represent the center 's efforts to the localization of Chinese culture in Mauritius .

  2. 画展将于2月12日——2月20日在加拿大温哥华中国文化中心举办。

    The Exhibition will be held on Feb. 12-20 in Vancouver Chinese Cultural Centre , Canada .

  3. 以后其内涵虽有所发展,但其实质,即中国文化中心论从未发生改变。

    " The concept of that the Chinese culture is the center " which is the essence of it has never been changed .

  4. 邻近的中国文化中心会举办古迹徒步旅游,甚至还举办幻灯片展,透露中国城的发展史。

    The nearby Chinese cultural center conducts walking tours of the historic district and even a slide show revealing the historic development of the area .

  5. 为庆祝中国文化中心在毛里求斯30年的发展,毛里求斯首都路易斯港举办了回顾展和论坛。

    A retrospective exhibition and forum has been held in the Mauritian capital Port Louis to help mark the development of the China Cultural Center in Mauritius over the past three decades .

  6. 此次活动是为期一个月的中国文化中心30周年纪念活动的一部分,该中心是中国政府在海外设立的第一个文化中心。

    The event is part of a month-long celebration to mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the China Cultural Center in the Indian Ocean island nation , which is the first overseas cultural center by the Chinese government .

  7. 1月10日早间,华西都市报记者从北京获悉:2016年1月7日下午“倪萍书画展——走进加拿大温哥华中国文化中心”新闻发布会在北京隆重举行。

    January 10 morning , WCC reporter learned from the Beijing : January 7 , 2016 in the afternoon , " Ni Ping painting and calligraphy exhibition - Entering Vancouver Chinese Cultural Centre " press conference , was held in Beijing .

  8. 舒布洛克砌块在中国建筑文化中心工程的应用

    Application of Sure Blocks in China Architectural Culture Center Project

  9. 北京是一个古老的城市,也是中国的文化中心。

    Beijing has a long history but also is the center of Chinese culture .

  10. 以改革开放的前哨城市广州、中国的文化中心首都北京为“基地”。

    Guangzhou , the pioneer of Chinese reform and beijing , the political capital and cultural center became the bases for modern dance .

  11. 明代苏州是南中国经济文化中心、全国的商业中心和时尚之都。

    During the periods of the Ming Dynasty , Soochow was an economic and cultural center in South China as well as a metropolis of business and fashion in China .

  12. 通过接受美学对旅游文本英译的启示,提出了两个翻译原则:以游客为中心的原则和以传播中国文化为中心的原则。

    Through the enlightenment of aesthetic reception in Chinese-English translation of tourist texts , it proposes two translation principles : the principle of tourist-centered and the principle of Conveying source-culture oriented .

  13. 京津唐:中国政治文化中心.主要城市有:北京、津、山、定、坊。

    The Big Beijing area ( Jing Jin Tang ): The political and cultural center of China . Major cities are : Beijing , Tianjin , Tangshan , Baoding , Langfang .

  14. 北京是中国政治文化繁荣中心。

    Beijing is the thriving center of government and culture .

  15. 中国国际文化交流中心

    International Cultural Exchange Center of China

  16. 一份新的杂志就要问世了。她的名字叫《文化交流》。这是中国国际文化交流中心浙江分会主办的。

    A new magazine called cultural dialogue will soon come out , which will be published by the China International Cultural Exchange center , Zhejiang branch .

  17. 王晓明乃上海大学文化研究系教授、系主任,中国当代文化研究中心主任;

    Wang Xiaoming is Professor and Chair of the Department of Cultural Studies at Shanghai University , and the Director of its Center for Contemporary Culture Studies .

  18. 它是一场中国文化革命的中心,即将改变中国对商业的看法,以及全球对中国商业的看法。

    It is the centre of a Chinese cultural revolution , poised to change how the country views business , and how its businesses are viewed by the world .

  19. 北京是中国的政治和文化中心。

    Beijing is the political and cultural centre of China .

  20. 中国名人文化艺术交流中心常务理事。

    Standing director of China Celebrity International Arts Exchange Center .

  21. 从西周开始山东就成为中国的一个文化中心。

    Starting from the Western Zhou Dynasty of China , Shandong has become a cultural center .

  22. 洛阳是公元七世纪初中国发展统一文化的中心;

    Luoyang was the center for China 's unified culture in the beginning of the seventh century .

  23. 五-四时期,北京大学是中国新文化运动的中心,是马列主义在中国传播的最初基地。

    It was the centre : of the Chinese New-Culture Movement and the initial base for disseminating Marxism-Leninism in China .

  24. 北京不仅是中国的政治和文化中心,也是世界上最大的成市之一。

    Beijing is not only a political and cultural center in China but also one of the biggest cities in the world .

  25. 北京是中国的政治、文化中心。在这里您可以游览万里长城中的一段——八达岭;

    Beijing is a political and cultural center that offers some scenic attractions : Badaling which is a part of the spectacular Great Wall ;

  26. 刘大使:北京是中国的政治、文化中心,也是中国最重要的金融中心和商业中心之一。

    A : Beijing is Chinas national political and cultural centre . It is also one of the financial and commercial hubs in China .

  27. 明清两代,苏州是中国经济与文化的中心,形成了独特的文化风貌,苏州园林深受其浸染。

    In the Ming and Qing Dynasties time , Suzhou was center of the Chinese economy and culture and had the unique culture style created .

  28. 作为战时中国首都与全国文化中心,重庆的校园文艺社团还鲜有人作系统的梳理与较为深入的研究。

    As a wartime capital of China with the National Cultural Center , the campus arts community Chongqing was also fresh ideas for the system with a more in-depth study .

  29. 作为一个移民城市,民国时期的上海无疑是中国最富饶的文化中心,多种文化在此碰撞与交流。

    As a immigration city , with a lot of cultures communication and collision , Shanghai was undoubtedly a cultural center of China , back to the period of the Republic of China .

  30. 北大遂成为反对封建旧思想、旧文化,提倡新思想、新文化的中国新文化运动的中心。

    As a result , Peking University became China 's center of the new cultural movement in opposing old thinking and the moribund culture of feudalism and advocating new thinking and a new culture .