
xiào wài jiào yù
  • Off campus education;extension/out of school education
  1. 第五十一条国家、社会建立和发展对未成年人进行校外教育的设施。

    Article 51 The State and society shall establish and develop educational facilities for minors to receive after-school education .

  2. 学校及其他教育机构应当同基层群众性自治组织、企业事业组织、社会团体相互配合,加强对未成年人的校外教育工作。

    Schools and other institutions of education shall coordinate with grassroots autonomous organizations of a mass character , enterprises , institutions and public organizations to strengthen after-school education for minors .

  3. 校本培训要得到校外教育专家的指导;

    School-based training should be guided by experts on education outside school ;

  4. 校外教育的优势是:灵活性、兴趣性、自愿性。

    The advantages of it are flexibility , interest , and voluntary .

  5. 中国校外教育的现状与前瞻

    Present Situation and Forecast of Chinese Out of School Education

  6. 公益性是校外教育发展中不变的追求。

    Public welfare is the pursuit of after school education .

  7. 然而,在这股日益加剧的投资大潮中却也暴露了家庭在校外教育投资过程中存在的种种问题。

    However , it exposed some problems of the investment in education after class .

  8. 以问题解决为中心的校外教育研究

    Research on Problem Solving Centered Off-campus Education

  9. 校外教育的概念和理念

    The concept and idea of extramural education

  10. 国际校外教育咨询委员会

    International Advisory Committee on Out-of-School Education

  11. 新东方是一家著名的私营教育公司,开设校外教育课程。

    New Oriental , a well-known private education company , runs classes complementing China 's schools .

  12. 随着社会的发展,校外教育一定会有更加长足的进步。

    Faithfully , with the development of society , out of school education would achieve great success .

  13. 据估计,我国的校外教育产业总体规模在2017年已经超过了4580亿元。

    The country 's supplemental education industry is estimated to have exceeded 458 billion yuan in 2017 .

  14. 作为基础教育不可分割的校外教育同样面临着采用现代化教学手段的新课题。

    Basic education as an out-of-school education are lunwen114faced with the modern means of teaching a new topic .

  15. 校外教育机构有待于进一步整合,以强化校外教育系统内各个机构的自我认同。

    Organizations of extra-school education need to be more integrated in order to strengthen the sense of identity for each organization .

  16. 儿童校外教育培训作为这个行业中的一个组成部分也呈现出勃勃生机,在儿童消费市场中也出现了培训热。

    The out-of-school training for children as an important part in this industry is developing fast . In the children ' market there is the training hot .

  17. 首席教师负责制的实施,实现了学校与校外教育人才市场的衔接,增强了教育的针对性,提高了师生的素质。

    The implementation of top-teacher-charged system achieve the connection between schools and outside educational talents market , strengthening educational pertinence , increasing qualities of teachers as well as students .

  18. 然而,目前的校外教育尚未能够充分满足社会的需求,来自多方面的调查也显示出了校外教育存在的各种问题。

    Nevertheless , current extra-school education has not yet been sufficient to meet the social demands , and investigations from many ways reveal sorts of problems of extra-school education .

  19. 在教育系统是在不断地分工与整合的过程中发展并回应着社会需求的视角下审视上海地区的校外教育的发展历程。

    The development of extra-school education in Shanghai has been reviewed under such a perspective that education system meets the social demands by a continuous approach of division and integration .

  20. 去年在城镇家庭中,校外教育在家庭总教育支出的占比达42.2%,该数字在农村家庭中为16.6%。

    In urban households , supplemental education accounted for 42.2 % of the households ' total education spending in 2017 , while the figure was 16.6 % in rural households .

  21. 我们校外教育工作者一定要跟上时代的步伐,不断学习、提高和掌握下的现代化的教学手段,并能够应用的校外艺术教学工作中去。

    We out-of-school educators must keep up with the times and constantly learn and improve and master of modern teaching methods , and can be used outside of the art teaching .

  22. 在政策领域,公益性校外教育政策以及政策中公益性话语的变迁既会影响校外教育的发展实践,同时又受到校外教育实践及社会实践的影响。

    In policy areas , the change in afterschool education policy not only will affect the development of practice of afterschool education , but also by practice of afterschool and social .

  23. 开展广泛的、丰富多彩的校外教育活动,才能培养青少年的实践能力和综合素质,促进青少年全面发展。

    Conduct extensive and varied extra-mural educational activities in order to train our young people to the practical ability and overall quality , and promote the comprehensive development of young people .

  24. 了解公益性校外教育政策话语与社会实践之间的相互建构的关系必将使我们对校外教育的公益性发展有更加清晰的认识,从而有利于公益性校外教育事业的发展。

    Understanding of interaction between discourse of afterschool education policy and social practice helps us understand public welfare of afterschool education clearly . thus contributing to public welfare development of afterschool education .

  25. 随着网络技术的成熟和网络课程学习的盛行,针对中学生的讲授型网络课程成为中学校外教育补充的最主要形式之一。

    With the maturity of network technology and the popularity of online courses , online courses for high school students become one form of the most important supplement in secondary school education .

  26. 该调查显示,在所有中小学生中,有47.2%接受了校外教育,每个学生的平均花销约为5616元。

    According to the survey , 47.2 % of all primary and junior high school students received supplemental education in 2017 , with an average cost of around 5616 yuan per student .

  27. 校外教育是指为培养学生的兴趣或提高其在校内的成绩,而从校外机构或个人那里购买的教育产品或服务。

    Supplemental education refers to educational products or services purchased from institutions or individuals other than schools for the purpose of developing a student 's interest or improving the student 's grades in school .

  28. 校外教育是随着人类的进步而发展起来的,它具有参与的广泛性、内容的多样性和形式的灵活性三个区别于学校教育的显著特点。

    Out of school education has been developing with human-being 's progress , specifying in three outstanding characteristics distinguished from school education such as universality of participation , variety of content and flexibility of formation .

  29. 最大的机遇是校外教育迎来了相对独立的发展空间,并且学生的兴趣需求、家长对全面成长的关注以及学校的合作意向共同构成了校外教育发展的支持力量。

    The main opportunity is that extra-school education obtained relative independent development space . Beside , interests and demands from students , attention to rounded development from parents and cooperative intentions from schools together compose supporting strength .

  30. 他从教育生态学视角来看教育,重视对于教育的多元综合分析,尤其重视教育的社会环境,看到了家庭环境、学校环境、校外教育机构的教育作用。

    He treated education from ecological education , and paid attention to the multi-comprehensive analysis of education , especially the social environment of education . He noticed the educational function of the family environment , school environment and other educational institutions outside the school .