
xiào yǒu huì
  • alumni association
  1. 根据中华校友会的信息,通过中国竞争激烈的考试体系被大学录取的学生当中,19.39%的人选择经济学专业,19.06%的人选择商务管理专业,这意味着经管类专业几乎占据了热门专业的半壁江山。

    According to China University Alumni Association , among those who score well enough in China 's highly competitive exam system to get into university , 19.39 % choose to study Economics and 19.06 % select Business Management , which means business & management related majors account for almost half of the popular majors .

  2. 成员大多经由哈佛校友会(HarvardAlumniAssociation)提名后选举产生。

    Members are generally elected from nominees selected by the Harvard Alumni Association .

  3. 他长期在哥伦比亚商学院教授的MBA课程“创造力以及自我超越”很受欢迎,这门课程是唯一和校友会有关的商务课程。

    His celebrated MBA course ," Creativity and Personal Mastery ," which he long taught at Columbia , has become the only business school course with its own alumni association .

  4. 高校校友会组织机构及运行的研究

    Study on the Structure and Operation of Alumni Association in University

  5. 我国高校校友会工作现状浅析及创新初探

    On the present situation and innovation in University Alumni Association Work

  6. 大哥,你还有别的校友会吗?

    Bro ! How many alumni meetings do you have left ?

  7. 我愿意申请加入华中校友会为会员。

    I wish to apply as a member of the Association .

  8. 如果你以前的学校有校友会,那就加入吧。

    If your former school has an alumni group , get involved .

  9. 我们将一起去参加10:30的校友会。

    And we are going foran alumni reunion at10:30 together .

  10. 现在他让我干这些校友会的杂活。

    Now he 's asking me to do all this alumni stuff .

  11. 校友会不在学校的控制之下,它完全是一个独立的团体。

    The Alumni Association is not under the control of the school .

  12. 做好新时期校友会工作的探讨

    Discussion on a Better Performance of Alumni Association in the New Epoch

  13. 浅谈校友会工作在我院迎评促建中的作用

    Function of Alumni - Association Work on Assessment and Construction of EMCC

  14. 并且两人还在校友会办公室合影留念。

    They also took a group photo at the alumni association office .

  15. 不过即使你忘了这一点,校友会也会来提醒你。

    Should you forget , there 's an alumni association to remind you .

  16. 我来这儿是为了西北大学校友会的面试。

    I 'm here for my northwestern alumni interview .

  17. 第五部分是美国大学校友会对我国大学校友会的启示。

    The last part is about the revelation to our college alumni association .

  18. 何文田官立中学校友会母校银禧纪念奖学金

    " Homantin Government Secondary School Alumni Association Silver Jubilee Prize , The "

  19. 下次校友会你就死定了。

    You 're dead at upcoming alumni association .

  20. 北加北一女校友会活动组立刻展开作业。

    TFGHAA-NC activity group got to work promptly .

  21. 说起这样的关系网,我们最先想到的就是大学的校友会。

    Instead , we tend to think of alumni networks in the context of universities .

  22. 毕业生可借着参加校友会,与学校保持联络。

    By joining the alumni association , graduates can maintain their liaison with the school .

  23. 大多数大学、甚至是高中都有由以前毕业的学生创建的校友会。

    Most colleges and even many high schools have alumni organizations made up of former graduates .

  24. 球赛进行时,印地安纳波里的黑人校友会也会举办学院博览会。

    The Indianapolis Black Alumni Council also holds a college fair along with this football game .

  25. 同时也为美国大学校友会的发展趋势做了一个预测。

    There is a prediction of development tend of the American college alumni association as well .

  26. 直到现在仍有广大校友会遍及海内外,但是它的历史却鲜为人知。

    But it is a pity that few people know about the history of Canton University .

  27. 对那些老同学来说,班级校友会是重聚的特殊日子!

    A class reunion is a special day for old classmates to re-unite for a while .

  28. 论新时期高校校友会工作职责及工作创新

    On Job Responsibilities and Task Innovation of the Alumni Association of College in the New Era

  29. 捐款是校友会筹集起来给学校修建音乐厅的。

    A subscription was got up by the Old Boys to provide the school with a new pavilion .

  30. 葛量洪教育学院校友会服务奖

    " Homantin Government Secondary School Alumni Association Scholarship , The " G.C.E. Past Students ' Association Scholarship for Service