
  1. 市场监管总局6月1日召开新闻发布会,集中公布一批校外培训机构虚假宣传、价格欺诈典型案例。市场监管总局6月1日宣布,15家校外培训机构因虚假宣传、价格欺诈被处以总计3650万元的罚款。

    The State Administration for Market Regulation ( SAMR ) slapped fines amounting to 36.5 million yuan on 15 tutoring firms on Tuesday for false advertising and pricing frauds .

  2. 对于校外培训机构乱象,群众反映日益强烈今年一季度,12315在线平台的教育培训服务投诉举报达4.71万件,同比增长65%。持续加大校外培训市场监管力度

    The first quarter of 2021 saw surging complaints about the tutoring industry , with the total number of complaints filed by consumers via the online service platform " 12315 " topping 47100 , up 65 percent from a year earlier .

  3. 校外培训机构不允许组织中小学生等级考试或竞赛。

    Tutoring institutions are not allowed to organize graded examinations or conduct competitions for primary and secondary school students .

  4. 教育部上周三表示,七个督查组将被派往全国所有省份和自治区,评估教育部门对中小学校外培训机构的治理情况。

    Seven teams will be sent to all of China 's provinces and autonomous regions to evaluate how well education authorities are regulating after-school training institutions for primary and secondary school students , the Ministry of Education said last Wednesday .

  5. 根据教育部网站发布的通知,教育部、民政部、国家市场监管总局派出的督查组还将抽查中小学校以及校外培训机构。

    The inspectors , sent by the Ministry of Education , the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the State Administration for Market Regulation , will also make random checks on tutoring institutions as well as on primary and middle schools , according to a notice on the education ministry 's website .

  6. 但是,明天我被安排到校外一家培训机构去给优生们辅导生物。

    But I was arranged to tutor the key students in a training center outside our school tomorrow .

  7. 据行业分析师估计,在中国从事校外英语培训的机构或企业多达3万家。在过去5年内,这个市场的规模几乎翻了一番,达到35亿美元左右。

    According to industry analysts , there are as many as 30,000 organisations or companies that offer English lessons outside school in China and the market has nearly doubled in the last five years to around $ 3.5bn ( 2.5bn , 2.1bn ) .