
huó dào lǎo xué dào lǎo
  • It is never too old to learn;Live and learn;Never too late to learn;No man is so old but that he may not learn
活到老学到老[huó dào lǎo xué dào lǎo]
  1. 人生要多读书多学习,活到老学到老。

    Life to study much more to learn , live and learn .

  2. 我不会向困难屈服。我会刻苦地学习英语,活到老学到老,知识越多,生活越快活。

    I will not yield to difficulties . I will work hard to learn English , live and learn , more knowledge , more happy life .

  3. 现已十岁的佩吉印证了那句老话:活到老学到老,同时,她还在“兼职”和克洛伊夫妇的另外两只牧羊犬一起放牧。

    Now aged3 ten , Peggy 's still proving that you can teach an old dog new tricks and works part-time with the couples ' two other sheepdogs .

  4. 正如他常说的,一个人应该活到老学到老。

    Just as he always said , never to old to learn .

  5. 我们要活到老学到老。

    You 're never too old to learn something new .

  6. 活到老学到老。英国作家密德尔顿

    Never too old to learn . & Thomas Middleton , British writer

  7. 活到老学到老'是句成语。

    Never too Old to Learn is an idiom .

  8. 学习英语,就要活到老学到老。

    You are never too old to study English .

  9. 这并非是不可能的,因为活到老学到老。

    This is not impossible as you are never too old to study .

  10. 活到老学到老不是吗?

    Lives and learns , don 't ya ?

  11. 活到老学到老&不断提高你的才能和本领。

    Dedicate Yourself to Lifelong Learning & How to continually upgrade your talents and abilities .

  12. 总是很多人都认为,要活到老学到老,终身学习是值得的。

    There have always been people who have believed that lifelong learning is a worthwhile process .

  13. 活到老学到老你可能已经完成学业,但这并不意味着你已经不用学习了。

    Always Be Learning You may have just finished school , but dont think you are done learning .

  14. 做一个活到老学到老的人,这是未来成功的关键,要一直记住在新技能和能力上投资时间。

    Being a life-long learning is key to future success . Always be investing time in new skills and capabilities .

  15. 活到老学到老应该是幸福生活的基石&而这是找到它的一个路径。

    Lifelong learning is meant to be a cornerstone of a happy existence – this is one way of finding it .

  16. 但这没有关系,因为正如他常说的那样,人要活到老学到老。

    But this does not matter , for , as he has often remarked , one is never too old to learn .

  17. 大家都知道活到老学到老的道理,可是很多人毕业了就不再主动学习了。

    We all know about the concept of lifelong learning , but many people stop to educate themselves after they graduated from school .

  18. 我们都知道活到老学到老,和孩子们在一起的每一天也是我成长的每一天。

    We all know a good saying " Never too old to learn " . Day by day I grow up with my students .

  19. 在这知识爆炸的时代,你在学校学到的东西远不能满足社会的需求,所以我们必须活到老学到老。

    In such a knowledge-explosion age , it is never too old to learn and what you had learned in school can never meet the demand of the society .

  20. 关于他人对缪尔传奇一生的写照证明了人要活到老学到老,同时要传达知识、带来变化。

    The other 's portrayal of Muir 's life is a testimony to what it means to be lifelong learners and to use that learning to inform and bring about change .

  21. 对于他来说,这将是一种全新的爱好,但这没有关系,因为正如他常说的那样,人要活到老学到老。

    For him , this will be an entirely new hobby . But this does not matter , for , as he has ofter remarked , one is never too old to learn .

  22. 天枰是活到老学到老的人。无论是针织、绘画、还是弹钢琴、吉他,只要你能教给他一点技能,他们很感激的。

    Libras are lifelong learners , Whether it 's how to crochet , draw , or play a song on the piano or guitar , these folks will appreciate the experience of learning from you .

  23. 三是老人自身要树立活到老学到老的思想意识,家庭成员要提供积极有效的支持和帮助。

    As for the aged , they themselves should establish the ideology that one is never too old to learn , and the family members should show them positive support and give them the help they need .

  24. 尽管常言道:活到老学到老,但是年轻时学东西比较好,我们能够学得更快,掌握得更快。

    Even though there is an old saying goes : never too old to learn , but it is good to learn in a younger age , which we could learn thing fast and be able to handle it quickly .

  25. 活到老,学到老。

    Keep on learning as long as you live .

  26. 她的经验印证了一句格言:活到老,学到老!

    Her experience lends credence to the adage " We live and learn ! "

  27. 我非常高兴地接受你的邀请。活到老,学到老。

    I am only too glad to accept your kind invitation .

  28. 古老的英文谚语说得好:「活到老,学到老。」

    Well goes an English proverb , Live and learn .

  29. 活到老,学到老,创造到老。

    It is never too old to learn and create .

  30. 正如俗话所说:活到老,学到老。

    As the saying goes , it is never too old to learn .