
huó tǐ jiě pōu
  • vivisection;vivisect;biopsy;sentisection
活体解剖[huó tǐ jiě pōu]
  1. 一些人认为活体解剖是不道德的。

    Some people consider vivisection to be immoral .

  2. 这个节目更让我觉得活体解剖是错的。

    The program only reinforced my view that vivisection is wrong .

  3. 他在活体解剖方面经验丰富。

    He had worked extensively on the anatomy of living animals .

  4. 反活体解剖者反对在活动物身上做实验性的研究。

    Antivivisectionists are opposed to research which involves experimenting on live animals .

  5. 但是活体解剖让我晚上睡不着觉。

    But the vivisection started to keep me up at night .

  6. 实验动物之活体解剖及死体解剖之检查。

    Necropsy of animals or postmortem examination of animals .

  7. 活体解剖的受害者需要帮忙的。

    The victims of vivisection need a hand .

  8. 活体解剖:为了实验而对活的动物做手术,目的不是为了治疗;

    Vivisection : Operation on a living animal for experimental rather than healing purposes ;

  9. 不过有些什么方法可以替代活体解剖吗?

    But what are the alternatives to vivisection ?

  10. 科学机构认为科学家和活体解剖反对论者是两种互不相容的身份。

    The scientific establishment says being a scientist and an anti-vivisectionist are incompatible positions .

  11. 趾甲的活体解剖测量及其临床意义

    Anatomic measurement and clinical significance of toenail

  12. 昨晚反对活体解剖的人从进行癌症研究的实验室里释放了一些动物。

    Anti-vivisectionists last night freed a number of animals from a laboratory involved in cancer research .

  13. 对反对活体解剖者来说,一提到动物实验他就暴跳如雷。

    Mention of animal experiments was like a red rag to a bull to the anti-vivisectionist .

  14. 而另外的人则被进行活体解剖,被解剖后的人体扔在极端寒冷的环境中,或是在压力房受压致死。

    Others were subject to vivisections , exposed to extreme cold or killed in tests in pressure chambers .

  15. 唯一能够为活体解剖辩护的,就是证明为了一个物种能够幸福些,另一物种受苦时对的。

    Now vivisection can only be defended by showing it to be right that one species should suffer in order that another species should be happier .

  16. 忠于自己的物种也许是自然的,但是让我们不要再听到自然主义者谴责反对活体解剖的人“感情用事”了。

    It may be very natural to have this loyalty to our own species , but let us hear no more from the naturalists about the'sentimentality'of anti-vivisectionists .

  17. 学生练习收集文章的资料。本单元着重写一篇关于活体解剖的文章,学生可以上网去搜索资料。

    Students practise gathering data for an essay . This unit focuses on an essay on vivisection and in this activity students go to the website to source information .

  18. 交尾开始后通过活体解剖的方法研究辐照棉铃虫与正常棉铃虫的精子传导。

    The transmission of sperm by unirradiated and irradiated cotton bollworm , Helicoverpa armigera , was studied by live dissection of the female immediately after the initiation of mating .

  19. 19世纪晚期的反活体解剖将范围扩大,防止对动物的所有残忍作为,后来并引起动物权运动。

    An antivivisection movement in the late 19th century Broadened its scope to include prevention of all cruelty to animals and later gave rise to the animal rights movement .

  20. 如果我生在法律不怎么严格,风尚比较不大文雅的地方,我一定要把这两位来个慢慢的活体解剖,作为晚上的娱乐。

    Had I been born where laws are less strict and tastes less dainty , I should treat myself , to a slow vivisection of those two , as an evening 's amusement .

  21. 结论MRI是研究活体盆底解剖与形态学的有效方法。

    Conclusion MRI is a useful technique for evaluating anatomy and morphology of pelvic floors in vivo .

  22. 解剖进行(活体)解剖PBL教学法在人体解剖学教学中的应用

    To perform vivisection on ( a living animal ) . PBL Teaching Method in Teaching Human Anatomy

  23. 基于三维CT的活体颌骨种植相关解剖结构测量

    Measurement of anatomical structures related with oral implantology based on 3D CT