
jìn zhēn
  • Needle insertion;inserting needle;press a needle into the human body according to channels and points
进针 [jìn zhēn]
  • [press a needle into the human body according to channels and points] 中医指针灸时将针刺入穴位所在的肌体

进针[jìn zhēn]
  1. 另外在连接臂、进针控制器和出孔定位针之间要留有放置骨块的空间。

    In addition , space for placing the bone fragment is left between the connecting arm , the inserting needle controller and the orifice positioning needle .

  2. B组(法)40例,超声定位于肾下极外侧斜角进针。

    Group B ( 40 cases ): the needle inclined against the exterior of renal fundus .

  3. 经CT扫描确认穿刺针进入椎间盘,扩张进针路径,进行切吸;

    Operation was performed after the puncture needle was put into the disc ascertained by scan .

  4. 目的探讨经前腹壁进针CT导向腹腔神经丛阻滞止痛的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate CT guided celiac plexus block analgesia via an anterior approach in clinical practice .

  5. 皮内注射不同进针方式对DC疫苗诱导乳腺癌患者免疫应答的影响

    Influence of Different Intradermal Puncture on Dendritic Cell Vaccine Induced Immune Reaction in Breast Cancer Patients

  6. 术毕CT扫描,观察进针路径有无出血及椎间盘还纳情况。

    CT scan was done again after operation to observe if the puncture path had bleeding and intervertebral disc recovery .

  7. 方法:采用CT对华佗夹脊穴(腰段)的进针深度、角度、相关组织层面及植入的羊肠线进行扫描观察。

    Methods CT technique was used for scanning investigation on the depth and angle of needling lumbar Jiaji ( Ex-B2 ) .

  8. 锁骨锥状结节至肩锁关节内侧进针范围为(32.86±5.18)mm;

    The range of entry pin at conoid tubercle was about ( 32.86 ± 5.18 ) mm .

  9. 目的:比较术前X片定位法和术中CT定位法行小关节内缘进针硬膜外前侧间隙注射胶原酶溶核治疗腰椎间盘突出症的穿刺过程和临床疗效。

    Objective : To compare two different guidance techniques , X-ray before and CT during the chemonucleolysis for treatment of lumbar disc herniation .

  10. 材料与方法24例CT导向腹腔神经丛阻滞术,15例前腹进针,9例背侧进针。

    Materials and Methods CT guided celiac plexus block analgesia was performed in 24 patients , of which 15 via an anterior approach and 9 via a posterior approach .

  11. 方法:50例正常成年人腰椎峡部定位CT扫描,观察与腰椎峡部裂行多孔面螺钉进针方向、角度等的有关数据。

    Methods : 50 cases of adult normal isthmian part of lumbar vertebral arch were scanned via CT . The screw of porous side entry route and angle were observed .

  12. 目的:通过使用三维定位MRI测量哑门穴进针的安全深度、角度,为临床提供安全针刺深度和角度的参考数据防止意外事故发生。

    Objective : Measuring the secure depths and angles of Yamen acupoint with three-dimensional positioning MRI to provide the reference datas of secure depths and angles for clinic .

  13. 方法术中用C臂机垂直和水平透视,确定穿刺点与结石的水平和垂直距离,计算出进针的角度和深度,精确穿刺。

    Methods : We measured the vertical and level length of the puncture spot to calculi which was located by the vertical and level perspective , punctured accurately after calculating the angle and distance .

  14. 进针角度为水平向前内方,最大角度L1为133.27±7.36度;

    The needle was stabbed horizontally to the anterolateral direction and the largest angle is 133.27 ± 7.36 degrees .

  15. 从胸锁乳突肌内侧下段穿刺点至胸骨柄后方深距(45.0±9.2)mm,向前内进针角度为17.7°±7.9°。

    The distance of percutaneous paracentesis between paracentesis point locating in inferior medial part of sternocleidomastoid and the dorsal point of manubrium sterni was ( 45.0 ± 9.2 ) mm .

  16. 皮肤进针点与尺神经深支终末段穿拇收肌处的距离是(3.53±0.24)cm。

    The depth from the inserted point of the skin to the point where the terminal segment of deep branch of ulnar nerve penetrated through the adductor pollicis muscle , was ( 3.53 ± 0.24 ) cm .

  17. 结果:直刺进针时,针体由皮肤到骨间膜的深度为(2·22±0·31)cm,到胫骨后肌后缘的深度为(4·42±0·53)cm;

    Results The needling depth from the skin to the interosseous membrane and from the skin to posterior border of tibialis posterior is ( 2.22 ± 0.31 ) cm and ( 4.42 ± 0.53 ) cm , respectively .

  18. 粗针埋针治疗组选用粗针针刺膻中穴,每次进针70mm,留针4h;

    In embedment group , a thick needle was acupunctured 70 mm and embedded at Tanzhong point for 4 hours .

  19. 结论:经S2椎弓根水平骶髂关节螺钉固定的进针点应位于髂后下棘前方30mm,坐骨切迹上方15mm;

    Conclusion : The entry point locates 30 mm anterior to posterior inferior iliac spine and 15 mm superior to the sciatic notch .

  20. 方法应用Ender针经胫骨结节外侧及内踝上下入路进针内固定治疗胫骨干骨折81例。

    Method 81 cases were treated by superior and inferior entry of lateral tubercle of tibia and medial malleolus with Ender 's nail .

  21. CT定位后用16~18G切割式穿刺枪从前或后胸壁避开重要脏器进针,穿刺1~3次,送组织学或加细胞学病理检查。

    After CT positioning , 16-18G BARD puncturable gun were used to penetrate anterior or posterior chest wall and kept clear of important organs . Histology and cytology detection were done after 1-3 times puncture .

  22. 结论:在L4、L5椎弓根层面上,以上关节突基部外侧缘为进针点较佳。

    Conclusion : On the transverse sections through the pedicle of L4 , L5 , the entering point through lateral margin of the superior articular process basis was the best one .

  23. 患者取俯卧位或侧卧位,在CT引导下用20G×100mm穿刺针,取侧旁穿刺进针,注射皮质类固醇等药物至硬膜外间隙。

    In prone position or lateral recumbent position , with CT guidance and 20G × 100mm puncture needle , the puncture with paramedian access was performed , and injection of corticosteroid into the epidural space was followed .

  24. 手术时局麻,后正中线旁8~10cm处进针,进针方向与躯干矢状面成45°角,透视下确认位置。

    Under local anesthesia , the instruments were inserted at a 45 degrees angle sagital to the trunk , and the entry point was located 8 to 10 cm from the midline .

  25. 穴位注射时直刺或略偏胫骨方向,接近与胫骨内侧面平行进针,同时进针深度一般不超过5cm较为安全。

    When it is injected , the needle should be perpendicularly inserted or deviated slightly to the direction of tibia and paralleled to medial surface of tibia . And the safe needling depth is generally less than 5 cm .

  26. 结论使用16G针能在保证获取足够肺病变标本基础上明显减少进针次数,从而降低了肺穿刺并发症的发生率。

    Conclusions Results on the basis of 16G heavy needle application , we can get enough tissue biopsy samples so that procedure times will be reduced and complications due to puncture will also be decreased simultaneously .

  27. 且进针1.2cm组每条静脉平均使用寿命也明显短于进针0.6cm组。

    And results also showed that of 1.2 cm length needling group , the mean service life of each vein was significantly shorter than that of 0.6 cm needling length group .

  28. 对照组在距离治疗组所选取的腧穴外侧大约1-2cm处,避开经络及腧穴,选取相应的点进行针刺,进针后不要求得气。

    Appropriate acupuncture points about 1-2 cm outside are selected for the control group , meridians and other acupoints should be avoided , Here we do not require the arrival of Qi .

  29. 风池、完骨、天柱、翳风针向喉结,进针6.6~8.75cm,施小幅度高频率捻转补法1min。

    Fengchi , Tianzhu and Yifeng ( TE 17 ) were acupunctured in a direction to laryngeal protuberance into 6.60 ~ 8.75 cm using holding and twisting and replenishing methods with lower amplitude and high frequency 1 min.

  30. 结论:深刺风池穴治疗偏头痛有较好疗效,针刺深度可以达到45~55mm,注意进针方向和手法。

    Conclusion Deep needing at Fengchi ( GB 20 ) has a better therapeutic effect on migraine , and the depth of needling may reach to 45 ~ 55 mm and the needling direction and manipulation method should be paid attention to .