
  • 网络Activity Stream;activity flow
  1. 每个活动流都启用了RSS和电子邮件监控

    RSS and email watch is enabled for every activity stream

  2. 活动流(activitystream)有时也称为生活日志(lifestream),是某个人在一个特定网站上的所有活动的信息集合。

    An activity stream ( also sometimes called a lifestream ) is the collection of all the activities a person undertakes on a particular site .

  3. 随着Web用户越来越依赖于活动流来获取信息,能够发布和订阅活动流数据变得很重要。

    As web users rely more and more on activity streams for information consumption , it makes sense to be able to syndicate and subscribe to activity stream data .

  4. 对ESB编程通常涉及虚拟环境,并将逻辑表示为称为消息流或中介流的连接活动流。

    Programming for an ESB usually involves a visual environment , representing the logic as a flow of connected activities called a message flow or mediation flow .

  5. OV-5是运作企业的外部可视行为的图形表示,由分配到组件系统的活动流表示。

    The OV-5 is a graphical presentation of the externally visible behavior of the operational enterprise , represented by flows of activities allocated to component systems .

  6. 另外,出现在活动流中的主要流也是直接可见的。

    The main flow that will otherwise appear in an activity flow is directly visible .

  7. 在典型的用例中,活动流是由特定参与者与系统间以执行特定目标为目的而开展的交互驱动的(例如,“管理水健康状况样本”)。

    In a typical use case , the flow of activity is driven by the interaction of a particular actor with the system toward the execution of a specific goal ( for example ," managing a water-health sample ") .

  8. 大规模互联网活动IP流分布研究

    Research on the Distribution of Activated IP Flow in the Large-scale Networks

  9. 在应计制下,会计盈余由非付现的应计和付现的经营活动现金流两部分组成。

    Based on accrual accounting , accounting earnings consists of non-cash accruals and operating cash flow .

  10. 最后,对企业集团智力资产对经营活动现金流协同效应的贡献进行探讨。

    Finally , we derive a proposition on the operation cash flow contribution of intellectual assets in synergic management effect of firm group .

  11. 默认情况下,名称与类型相同,但流创建者应该对其进行重命名,以反映活动在流中的功能。

    By default , the name is set to the type , but the author of the flow should rename it to reflect the activity 's function in the flow .

  12. 水泥池养殖的杂交鲟具有昼伏夜出习性,深水网箱养殖的杂交鲟流急时在网箱底部活动、流缓时到水层中游动;

    The hybrid sturgeon in cement pool had the habit of hiding during the day and coming out at night , while that in deep water cage stayed at the base in riptide and swam in slack tide .

  13. 结构化活动包括:流(flow)、switch、while、顺序(sequence)、挑选(pick)和范围(scope)。

    Structured activities are : flow , switch , while , sequence , pick , and scope .

  14. 举一个简单的示例,URI分配给了客户或项目,然后就可以生成并聚集活动的RSS流。

    To take a simple example , URIs are allotted for things like customers or projects , then RSS flows of activity could be generated and aggregated .

  15. 作为一种执行语言,WS-BPEL定义了如何表示业务流程中的活动,以及流控制逻辑、数据、消息相关性和异常处理等。

    As an execution language , WS-BPEL defines how to represent the activities in a business process , along with flow control logic , data , message correlation , exception handling , and more .

  16. 基于工程项目团队关键知识活动的知识流分析

    Analysis on Knowledge-Flow Based on Key Knowledge Activity of Engineering Project Team

  17. 大型活动散场交通流的时空消散规律

    Traffic Flow Time Space Dissipation Rule Under Large-scale Activity

  18. 北京住宅建设活动的物质流分析

    Analysis of material flow of residential buildings in Beijing

  19. 公司经营活动的现金流常常是负值;

    The cash flow that company business activities produced is often negative value .

  20. 活动堰测流水力计算原理及实验研究

    Principles of hydraulic computation and experimental investigation of movable weir for flow measurement

  21. 第四章在对生产管理中的每个活动进行价值流分析的基础,对不产生价值和不合理的环节提出了改善方案。

    Chapter 4 proposes improvement scheme to the unvalued and unreasonable step based on the analysis for production and value .

  22. 通常,自动化活动与用例流(主场景和备选流)中的步骤对应。

    In general , automated activities correspond to the steps in the use case flows ( main scenario and alternative flows ) .

  23. 对于一个仅有百余个开发人员的公司来说,同时拥有100个活动的开发流实在是太多了。

    The company had100 active development streams at a time in a company with only a few hundred developers which is far too many .

  24. 当固化了的熔岩小碎块沿着活动的熔岩流表面滚动时,熔岩粘附到碎块表面上,熔岩球就长大了。

    Lava balls grow when a small fragment of solidified lava rolls along the surface of an active flow and lava sticks or accretes to its surface .

  25. 使用在模拟活动图的流和操作上右键单击后出现的上下文菜单,还可以显示输入和输出令牌值。

    The values of the input and output tokens can be displayed using the right-click with the context menu of flows and actions of the simulated activity diagrams .

  26. 业务流程编程要求指定执行流程活动(控制流)和活动(数据流)之间数据交互的顺序和条件。

    Business process programming requires specifying the sequence and conditions of execution of process activities ( control flow ) and data exchanges between activities ( data flow ) .

  27. 通过对活动堰测流进行实验研究和理论分析,认为活动堰过流的淹没度限值高,理论计算流量精度满足测流要求。

    Experiment and analysis of movable weir for flow measurement indicate that the modular limit of movable weir is relatively high . And the accuracy of theoretical discharge calculated is satisfied .

  28. 当您的流程有多组可以并行运行的活动,或者流可能分支到其他路径上的活动时,您可以将它们放置在并行活动中(也称为流)。

    When your process has groups of activities that can run concurrently , or the flow might branch to activities on other paths , you can place them in a parallel activity ( also known as a flow ) .

  29. 将此长期运行进程的人类活动实现为Web流成为一个明智的技术解决方案。

    Implementing the human activities of this long-running process as a Web flow would be a sound technical solution .

  30. 都是在使用Choice活动的相同BPEL流中定义的,用于分离每个路径。

    Are all defined in the same BPEL flow using Choice activity to separate each path .