
  • 网络living
  1. 论苗族服饰文化的活态保护

    On the " Living Protection " of Miao Minority 's Dress Culture

  2. 活态文化转向与少数民族审美文化研究

    Research on the Living Cultural Shift and the Aesthetic Culture of Minority

  3. 单个活态红细胞血红蛋白随pH值变化的显微分光光度分析

    Microspectrophotometry of pH-dependent changes in hemoglobin in single alive red blood cells

  4. 由此提示GA与失活态的钠通道结合而抑制I(Na)对I(Na)的阻滞作用为其抗心律失常作用的主要机制。

    These results suggested that GA inhibited I_ ( Na ) by binding to the inactivated state of sodium channel and bolcking effects of GA on I_ ( Na ) were the major mechanism of its antiarrhythmic action .

  5. 报道应用显微准弹性激光散射(MQLS)技术与显微生物医学图像分析技术对不同氧合情况下的单个活态正常人和较重症地中海贫血患者红细胞的研究。

    Microscopic quasi-elastic laser light scattering technique with image processing and analysis were used to study normal and major thalassemia human erythrocytes in different oxygen pressure .

  6. 故在方法上本人主张活态研究。

    Therefore , the author advocates dynamic study as the method .

  7. 从活态保护论非物质文化遗产观的转变

    Transformation of Intangible Culture Heritage Concept in View of Living Preservation

  8. 对单个活态细胞结构与功能多个水平层次的实时测定技术

    Technique of simultaneous multi-level structure & function measuring on single intact cells

  9. 读者既是图书馆的服务对象也是活态资源

    Reader Is not only Library 's Service Object but also Active Resource

  10. 对今天版画的活态发展,提供了参考价值。

    On this print " living " development , provides the reference value .

  11. 活态文化正在逐渐消隐;

    The living culture of Yi is dying down .

  12. 文化的延续得益于其内部结构的活态构成部分。

    The lasting of culture lies in the vital part of its internal structure .

  13. 沅陵盘古文化的活态特征

    The Living Characteristics of Yuanling Pangu Culture

  14. 论少数民族活态文化的抢救

    Rescue of the Living Culture in Minorities

  15. 活态民间叙事中一种重要的形式是不以语言文字为载体而以身体动作为主要媒介的叙事&民间行为叙事。

    The important form employs the body actions as media but not the written language .

  16. 试析抢救民族活态文化的历史作用与现实意义

    A Trial Analysis on the Historical Functions and Practical Significance of Rescuing the National Active Culture

  17. 温度对单个活态人红细胞携氧能力的即时影响

    Instant Effect of Temperature on the Oxygen Carrying Capacity of Single Living Intact Red Blood Cell

  18. 普及体育健身活动,推进传统体育的活态保护;

    Popularize the fitness activity , the ones that advance traditional sports live the attitude is protected ;

  19. 但我们长期忽略了生活中还有一个民间活态的传统;

    But we have over a long period of time neglected a tradition of living folk culture ;

  20. 一个被忽视的活态文化传统

    A Neglected Living Cultural Tradition

  21. 射频电磁波与环境温度对单个活态红细胞膜力学性质的影响

    Effects of radio-frequency electromagnetic wave and environmental temperature on membrane mechanical properties of single living intact human red blood cell

  22. 非物质文化遗产的真魂在于活态传承&由徽州祠祭引发的一点思考

    The Real Spirit of Intangible Cultural Heritage : " Living Transmission " & some reflections on " Huizhou ancestor worshipping "

  23. 非物质文化遗产是人类通过口传身授、世代相传下来的一种珍贵的活态文化遗产。

    Intangible Cultural Heritage is a kind of precious living cultural heritage which passed from generation to generation mainly by oral means .

  24. 对于非物质文化遗产的活态保护措施必须要融入时代特点和国情的因素。

    The living preservation measures of the intangible culture heritage must integrates the feature of the age and the National condition factors .

  25. 科尔沁萨满神歌是科尔沁蒙古族萨满结合歌舞形式,在萨满教祭礼仪式中,对神灵唱诵的具有固定程式的原始活态传统诗歌。

    Korqin Shaman Divine Song is a type of original living songs with fixed paradigm , sung to the pinities during Shaman worshipping ceremony .

  26. 其活态性、传承性与流变性决定了其现代社会赖以生存的社会文化生活基础日益狭窄。

    Its living condition , heredity and rheology determined the increasing narrowness of the basis of social cultral life to be lived by modern society .

  27. 试图把技艺主体置于文化生境中进而架构起活态传承变迁问题的阐释。

    It tried to put the skill-man into cultural habitats and gave the issue of living changes to explain heritage of the culture of techniques .

  28. 通过建构人文-文化、学科-学术、静态-活态、生态-人文等和谐共生的平衡生态,实现民族文化和区域大学共生共荣的互动发展和完美统一。

    It is necessary to build up harmonious and balanced ecology to realize the symbiotic interactions and perfect unity of national culture and regional universities .

  29. 从共时性的活态保护来看,非物质文化遗产的存在为不同地域、不同种族、不同背景下的文化交流、共享、传播带来了可能性。

    The living protection of synchronicity brings the possibility of the communication , sharing and transmission of cultures in different region , different races and different backgrounds .

  30. 本文从活态保护视角出发,就如何解决梁平非物质文化遗产保护工作中所存在的问题提出自己的观点。

    This protection from the perspective of the Living , on how to address non-material cultural heritage protection Liangping the problems raised in his point of view .