
  • 网络Living in Truth
  1. 此外,谢有顺在《活在真实中》一书中,还特别提到一个重要的问题:勇气。

    Furthermore , in his book Living in Truth , Xie Youshun also specially mentions a very important topic : COURAGE .

  2. 如果再给我一次机会我会活在真实中

    that if given another chance , I would live in truth .

  3. 我已启程活在真实的世界中,而你继续你每周末花天酒地的生活。

    I started living in the real world while you continued to go to frat parties on the weekends .

  4. 觉知是我们的真实本性,爱是它的芳香&我们钟情地、喜悦地将这种固有的能力带到生活中,活在我们真实的本性中。

    Awareness is our true nature , love is its fragrance-we all carry this intrinsic ability to be in life lovingly and joyfully , living our true nature .